Chapter 11: Fair With Me

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Once the four of us reach the quad, Atifa and I sit on an empty bench. "Y'all can wait here while Justin and I go buy tickets," Za says before the two boys walk off. Atifa immediately turns to face me once they're gone.

"You slept with him!" She accuses.

"I did not!" I argue, appalled.

"Did so!"

"Did not!" I maintain. She eyes me skeptically until I break. "I just kissed him," I relent. She doesn't ease up. "We made out." She's still glaring. "Naked," I surrender.

"Ha! Busted! What was it like?" She asks eagerly. Normally, I'd be a lot less inclined to share personal details with someone I'd only just met, but I don't feel that way with Atifa. I feel like I've known her my whole life. I feel like we're sisters.

"It was amazing," I admit. Atifa squeals, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you! Justin's like madly in love with you. Like he's been smiling ridiculously big all morning," she gushes.

"Eh, he's probably just happy he got to grab my ass," I dismiss.

"El, he's the star hockey player on campus. He could probably grab any ass he wants. He's happy because you like him, because you want him. He's in love with you, Ely." I blush deeply, unsure of what to say to this.

"Ladies?" Justin interrupts my thoughts. I will myself to stop blushing at Atifa and my previous conversation topic. Za holds out his hand for Atifa and she takes it, allowing him to help her up. Justin does the same, but I get up on my own. He rolls his eyes at this, snaking his arm around my waist once I'm standing, and pulling me in close to his body. I gasp at the abruptness, but Justin just smirks. "Where to?"

"Oh, Za! Let's get on the Ferris wheel!" Atifa pleads excitedly.

"Are y'all coming with or do you wanna split up?" Za offers.

"We're coming with!" I volunteer instantly, afraid of what I'd do if left alone with Justin. I look up to see Justin smiling uneasy, but we all head over to the Ferris wheel where the line is surprisingly short. Once we're up, Justin and I slide into one side of the cart, awaiting Atifa and Za to take the other, but they don't. Atifa closes the door of the ride.

"I think we'll catch the next one," she teases, winking at me. I shoot her a look before checking to see Justin's no doubt smug expression. But I'm wrong. He's not even paying attention to us. He's looking down at the ground, his face ghostly as the wheel turns, lifting us up.

"Can you believe her?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood. He's very clearly afraid, but it can't be that bad. It's just a Ferris wheel. I hear him swallow, his eyes never breaking from the ground. He looks petrified. Dammit. I hate seeing him like this. I need it to stop. "So, about this morning," I start, trying to distract him. It's a start, considering he breaks eye contact to look at me, although he's still pale with fear. "I wouldn't exactly mind if it became a regular thing..."

"What, like kissing?" he strains. Shit. I slide over closer to him, placing his arm around my shoulder.

"The kissing... the nakedness... the touching," I keep adding on until I see his expression ease up.

"Really?" He asks unbelievingly. I nod. Ugh, I have to keep his attention. This won't work if he doesn't believe me.

"We could actually start now, if you're not too busy?" I tease, his eyes giving in. He starts to turn his head again to look down at the ground, but before he can, I grab the sides of his face. I plant a kiss on his mouth, shoving my tongue inside. After a moment, he starts kissing back, and I must admit, it feels wonderful. Our tongues intertwine sensually, making us both forget when and where we are. I slide my hand under his shirt tracing shapes into his skin, the heat of the moment overpowering my self control. I kiss my way over to his ear to whisper, "Touch me, you idiot." With that, he runs his hand up my sweater, grabbing my boob. I moan before resuming our make out. He starts playing with my boob as we kiss on the ride. I grip his skin in pleasure.

"Ahem," the guy running the ride interrupts, seemingly a while after we reached the ground. We were clearly distracted, but I abruptly stand up hearing his signal. I grab Justin's hand pulling him off the ride with me, while he smirks.

"Sorry," I apologize to the operator embarrassedly.

"She started it," Justin blames on our way off as I pull him. I lightly punch him in the arm once we're off the ride. We wait at the exit for Atifa and Za to get off the ride, and it couldn't have happened fast enough. Justin's staring and lip biting and smugness are all overwhelming. I try to help him and this is the thanks I get.

"I was only trying to help you. I didn't know you were a little bitch who's afraid of fair rides," I excuse.

"Not fair rides, heights, and the 'Touch me, you idiot,' was a little much. Don't you think? Considering I was already distracted, I think you want me," Justin boasts.

"Do not!" I lie.

"Fine. I won't ask for you again. Next time we fool around, it'll be because you say the words. And you will say them," he says confidently.


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