Chapter 47: Overprotective With Me

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As I lay in Justin's bed, my mind is consumed by the feeling of his lips on my neck and his member stroking in and out of me. Eyes closed, its as if nothing else in the world exists but Justin and I. As I reach out to grip the sheets in ecstasy, I feel Justin's hands grip my wrists instead. I open my eyes to see that he's pinning them tightly to either side of my head, not allowing me to move. I moan out in pleasure. As he pumps out his final strokes, he moans as well. "Ely! Ely! Elyyyy!" He exclaims, releasing. His exaltations bring me to my peak as well.

"Oh my god!" I yell out, my world spinning. Justin collapses on top of me, breathing hard. I peck the side of his face lovingly as he recovers. "Wow," I comment, damn near speechless.

"Yeah," Justin agrees breathily. I wrap my arms around my boyfriend, playing in his sweaty, mussed up hair.

"You're so beautiful," I marvel, still high off of the pleasure. Justin laughs at me.

"I think that's my line," Justin replies. I roll my eyes.

"You are," I press. "My beautiful boyfriend who gives me the most amazing orgasms." Justin pushes up so that I can see his face.

"And don't you forget it," he jokes, kissing me lightly, yet lingering. He pulls away to ask, "Are you hungry, babe?" with a slight sense of urgency.

"No, not really. Why?"

"It's just... I don't think you've been eating as much, and... I don't know, you just seem skinnier, that's all," Justin explains.

"Oh, well, I mean, I guess I haven't really been that hungry lately," I answer nonchalantly. Justin gets up suddenly, shocking me because I thought he'd be comatose for much longer after coming so hard.

"Cmon, you're eating," he orders. I furrow my eyebrows at him, unsure of who he thinks he's talking to.

"I just said that I'm not hungry," I say, leaning up on my elbows.

"Ely, don't do this. I'm not stupid," Justin responds.

"I'm not doing anything, Justin. I'm just not freaking hungry," I maintain, growing annoyed.

"You're not gonna starve yourself, not on my watch. Now, cmon, I'm making you lunch," Justin says, pulling on some sweats.

"Starve myself? What the hell? Why would you think that? Because I skip a few meals? Honestly, Justin, it's not that deep," I argue. Justin sighs deeply, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Baby. You don't remember how bad you got, but trust me, I know where this kind of behavior leads. I'm not gonna let it happen again. So, please, for me, please, just try to eat something?" Justin pleads, his face saddened. I feel a pang of guilt deep in my stomach.

"What do you mean, I don't remember?" I ask, curious. Justin's quiet for a moment, deliberating. He finally answers my question, his voice breaking at first.

"You, um... you had some serious issues with food. Starving, throwing up, working out too much... It was hard for you. One good thing to come out of the accident is that you can't remember any of that. And I'm so glad that that burden has been lifted off of you. I'm just... I don't - I won't let you fall into the same mistakes, babe. It'd tear me apart to watch you do that to yourself again," he explains, tears welling in his eyes. I crawl over to the edge of the bed, joining him. I wrap my arms around him, my chest pressed to his back, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know. You don't have to worry. I won't... I'll try my best not to let that happen to me. I wasn't intentionally not eating, I just forget sometimes. You make me so happy, there've been times where I've had to remind myself to breathe, let alone eat. The only reason I was so adamant about not eating is because it felt like you were bossing me around. I didn't know why it was so important to you. But now I do, and I'm gonna try really hard to keep myself healthy. Okay, baby?"

He nods, saying, "That's all I can really ask of you. Thank you, El."

"Make your baby girl some oatmeal?" I ask, squeezing him closely to me. He lifts me onto his back, standing up.

"There's nothing I'd rather do right now," he flirts at me, heading to the door.

"Babe?" I ask.


"I might need clothes," I say, gesturing down towards my still naked body. He sets me down gently.


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