Chapter 21: Thanksgiving With Me

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"Hey, mom. Can we help with dinner?" Jazzy asks as the three of us enter the kitchen.

"Sure, sweetie. You and Justin can start setting the table. Ely, can you mash the potatoes?" Mrs. B asks.

"Sure thing, Mrs. B," I answer as Justin and Jazz carry a stack of plates, silverware, and cloths into the dining room.

"The potatoes are on the counter, you can start by skinning and dicing them," she instructs. I begin doing so, humming to myself. "Elysandra?"

"Yes, Mrs. B?"

"I hope you don't mind my asking, but what happened to your forehead?" She asks hesitantly. My hand flies to the scar self consciously.

"Oh. That's from a cheer accident," I answer.

"Oh, my! I had no idea you even cheered. Are you okay, dear?" she worries while stirring the pot on the stove.

"Yeah, it happened at my first game. I have mild amnesia and the occasional headache, but I'll be okay," I say, dicing the potatoes.

"Amnesia? Oh, dear. I had no idea!"

"Yeah, it's been hard, but Justin has really been there for me," I explain.

"That's good. If you're not comfortable telling me, that's fine, but... how many memories did you lose?"

"Pretty much everything from university."

"So you... you didn't know that Justin..." she attempts, unsure of how to word it.

"No, I had no idea. I actually thought he was joking at first. But... he was very patient with me, and I fell for him all over again," I recall.

"That's so sweet. I'm glad you're okay, sweetie," Mrs. B comforts. "You can put the potatoes in this bowl with some salt, milk and butter to start mashing," she adds, noticing that all my potatoes are diced. I go into the fridge, pulling out the milk and butter. I add them to the bowl with the potatoes and salt. Once I begin mashing, Justin and Jazzy return to the kitchen, having finished their task.

"Baby girl, I don't think you're mashing those right," Justin flirts, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around me, "guiding" me. I turn my head to smirk at him, but he surprises me with a peck on the lips.

"Oh, please, spare your poor mother," Mrs. B pleads. "You're still my little boy in my eyes." Justin and I giggle as he releases me.

"Anything else you need me to do, ma?" Justin offers.

"Just start carrying out the dishes that are finished?"

"You got it, mama," Justin says as I empty the contents of the bowl into the nearest dish.

"Here, baby. These are ready," I call, handing Justin the potatoes. He takes the dish from me, kissing me in the process.

"Oh my god, Justin, stop!" Jazzy revolts. "Why do you have to be so gross?"

"I was gonna ask your face the same thing, Jazzy," Justin retorts.

"Funny, except you have the same face, moron!" Jazzy fires.

"Oooh, good one, Jazz," I compliment.

"Hey, who's side are you on?" Justin whines.

"Not yours, moron," I joke.

"Not yours, moron," Justin mocks.

"Hey, hey, it's almost time for dinner. Stop playing around, Justin," Mrs. B scolds. Justin's jaw drops at his mom's partiality, while I giggle at him getting in trouble. Jazzy and I grab a dish each to help things get ready. Once everything's out on the table, Mrs. B calls in Justin's dad and we all gather around the table. Justin's mom blesses the food, and it feels like we've been praying for days. We eat the meal that Justin's mom prepared and it's freaking delicious. I make sure to tell her how well it tastes, multiple times. For dessert, we all eat pie and ice cream in the kitchen. Justin manages to get some on my nose, which was freaking freezing, but I make sure to get him back. Which made Jazzy want to as well. Which made Justin want to get her, getting himself in trouble again. Being around Justin's family feels so comfortable and warm. It feels more like home than being with my own blood relatives, which makes me feel so happy and grateful. They've taken me in like one of their own and never made me feel like I don't belong. I'm so thankful for this family.

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