Chapter 57: Girl Talk With Me

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The cold wind whips my hair around, and freezes my tears to my face. I pull out my phone, dialing Atifa's number.

"El?" She answers. I try to speak, but all that comes out is incoherent blubbering. "El, honey, what's wrong? Where are you?"

"I'm - I'm - I'm going to my dorm from - from Justin's house," I cry.

"Okay, El, I'm on my way, okay? I'll meet you at your place," she assures before hanging up. When I make it to my room, I throw myself onto my bed. I grab my pillow, crying into it. I don't know how long I'm like this before I hear Atifa knocking on my door. I get up to let her in, hugging her immediately. "Oh, you poor thing," she sympathizes. "What happened?"

"I - he - we... oh my god," I cry messily. She takes me to my bed, holding my closely. She sits me down, brushing her hands through my hair.

"Shhh, shhh, baby? Don't worry about it, okay? Just try to relax, alright? I'm here. I'm here," she comforts, laying my head in her lap. I just cry, not caring how loud and obnoxious I am. And I am loud and obnoxious. Ti pulls her phone out, dialing a number from her favorites. "What did he do?" Atifa asks angrily. I'm unable to hear what the person on the other end of the line is saying, but I'd bet anything that it's Za. "Of course, I mean Justin," she answers, annoyed. "She's a mess, can't you hear her?" She asks, making me feel self-conscious. I try my best to lower my volume, to no avail. "All I know is, you better get your friend before I do. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him, but he's seriously fucking her up and I won't sit back and watch him do it any longer," Atifa barks. I've never seen her so angry. I sit up, worriedly.

"Ti, you don't have to -" I whisper, before she puts a single finger to my lips, shaking her head no.

"Talk to him. Alright. Love you. Bye," she says to Za on the phone before hanging up. "Now, what happened?"

"It wasn't his fault," I start, clearing my throat.

"I'll decide that. What happened?"

"He set up so much beautiful stuff for me, like all this festive Christmas stuff. He knows how much I love Christmas. He was so sweet, it was almost like before. There was still tension, but he was trying. Long story, short, we ended up hooking up," I explain.

"Ely, you didn't," she gasps.

"We did. And it felt so good. But I still want my old Justin back and I know that if I want my old Justin, I have to be away from him. It hurt so much and I just couldn't take it," I explain.

"Oh, you poor thing. I knew I should've stopped you from going over there," Ti says, pulling me in closely.

"Ti... what do I do? I can't keep avoiding him. Not after today," I ask.

"El, that's the only thing you can do. In the long run, its best for both you and him. Trust me. I know you love the guy. But... he's being toxic for the both of you this way." I fall back into my bed.

"Ti," I whine.

"Ely," she mocks in the same tone. I glare at her, annoyed. Suddenly, over on my nightstand, I hear my phone buzz with a text message. I jump up excitedly.

"Maybe that's him!" I exclaim, wiping my face. Ti jumps up, too, swiping my phone before I can check it.

"Nope. We're not reading that," she asserts.

"Ti!" I whine again.

"Ely! Do you remember not five minutes ago, you were a blubbering mess because of him? And now you wanna read his texts? Cmon, sis..."

"You're right," I plop back onto my bed. "Can you at least read it to make sure he's okay?" She sigh, opening my phone to read the message.

"He's fine," she says in monotone. I fold my hands in prayer, giving her my best pleading face. "No, nuhuh. It's not happening," she maintains. I grab her by her shoulders tightly.

"Please," I beg desperately. She rolls her eyes, but looks back down at my phone afterwards. Yes.

"He says he had a great time with you, baby girl, and he hopes you guys can do it again sometime soon. Ha, figures," Atifa reveals. Her shoulders still in my hands, I pull her into a huge hug.

"Ahhh!" I scream, my stomach flipping. Just that small amount of emotional affection from him is enough to send chills through my body after going two weeks with nothing at all.

"Girl, if you don't get yourself together..." Atifa warns. I smile at her slyly.

"He wants me," I brag, my eyebrows rising and falling.

"Yeah, yeah, get off me?"

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