Chapter 38: Get in Trouble With Me

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Christian and I are walking up to the door after an entirely too long trip to the convenience store. All we wanted was creamer and protein powder, but the corner store was packed beyond belief. He and I head into the living room, but we both stop in our tracks when we see Ely in only her slip, asleep on the couch in Ryan's arms. His eyes are widened at us like a deer caught in headlights.

"Oh, shit! That's my cue to go," Christian reacts, avoiding conflict by taking the stairs two at a time.

"Listen, bro, it's not -" Ryan starts before I cut him off.

"What it looks like? Yeah, no. Try again. And choose your words wisely because I'm about five seconds away from beating your ass," I warn. Unfortunately, I wake Ely from her peaceful sleep. She yawns, stretching, before opening her eyes.

"Baby, you're back," she marvels, getting up to hug me. She doesn't release me from the hug, but holds me in her arms.

"Look, Justin, Ely and I were just talking, and she fell asleep. I didn't wanna wake her, that's all," Ryan defends. I look to Ely for confirmation. She frowns at me.

"Yeah, baby. We were just talking. You don't need to be worried. I love you," she pouts, initiating a pang of guilt in my stomach.

"I love you, too, baby girl. I just..." I backpedal.

"I know, man. It did look bad, but I want you to know, I wasn't trying anything. Please don't hit me again," Ryan reinforces. Ely's expression, while still pouty, is now shocked. She must not remember me hitting him the previous time. Oops. I still kinda wanna beat his ass for even touching her, but I digress for Ely's sake.

"So. What were you two talking about?" I strain through a fake smile.

"He was telling me about Selena, and I was telling him about you," Ely answers offendedly under the guise of kindness. Shit, I'm in trouble.

"Ely was actually telling me that I shouldn't stay with Selena if she's not treating me right. She told me how her ex didn't treat her right and if they never broke it off, she would've never been lucky enough to have ended up with you," Ryan elaborates. Shit. Now I'm really in trouble. I look at Ely apologetically, but she's unaccepting.

"El," I plead, reaching out to her. She steps back away from me, rolling her eyes.

"I'm gonna go shower," Ely excuses, heading toward the stairs.

"I'll go with you," I volunteer, vying for the opportunity to make this right.

"Alone," she corrects, wobbling up the stairs. Shit. I look over at Ryan. He gives me a sympathetic look. Keep it. And keep away from my woman. I head upstairs, desperate to get my girl to forgive me. I know how jealousy and lack of trust affects her. I made the same damn mistake before she lost her memory, and here I am once again. Why am I so stupid? I had things so perfect. I head to my room, slamming the door behind me. I begin straightening up when my phone chimes.

Christian: Don't forget, guys. Practice at 3 today. I know it's been a while since we've all been on the ice, so it's a double practice.

Shit. So now, I have even less time to make it up to El. Think, Justin. What makes Ely happy? My thoughts are interrupted when a soaking wet goddess in a towel walks in. "Wow, you're pretty," I marvel.

"Save it," she says, brushing past me. "Have you seen my panties?" She asks after searching around briefly. I open my mouth to answer, but she cuts me off. "You know what, never mind." She picks up her dress off of the floor, straightening it out.

"Do you wanna borrow some clothes?" I offer. She deliberates, before answering, "No. I'm going over to Atifa's. I'll borrow something of hers."

"What? Why?"

"Excuse me if I'd like to actually spend time with a friend without you giving them the third degree," she snaps passive aggressively.

"Look, Ely, it's not that I don't trust you, I swear. It's just... it's Ryan. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't have reacted that way, and you know it."

"So if it were a guy that you didn't know, you wouldn't have freaked out like you just did?" She presses. I'm quiet because I don't want to lie or tell the truth. "Exactly what I thought. Justin, Ryan's my friend. Either you're okay with it, or you're not, but I can't have you scaring my friends off. Not when I went so long without any at all," she says.

"You've always had me," I argue.

"Yeah, I did. Until you had hockey or other activities that I wasn't invited to. Even when you'd drag me along, it was like being lonely in a crowd. You can't decide who I can and can't be friends with, Justin. Especially not after you slept with the girl that bullied me my whole life. It's not fucking fair, Justin!" she yells, tears welling up in her eyes. I take a few steps closing the distance between us. I pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Ely. I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I just... I'm so afraid of losing you again. I almost lost you to Ryan once and I couldn't bear to let it happen again, especially now knowing that you find him attractive. But that's still not right. It's not fair to you, and it was selfish of me. I'm sorry I overreacted. I'm really gonna try to reel myself in from now on," I soothe, running my fingers through her partially straightened hair.

"Justin. You have no reason to be jealous of anyone. So what I think Ryan's cute. I think teddy bears are cute, but I'm not gonna give up the best thing that's ever happened to me to get one," she rationalizes.

"Wait, you like teddy bears?" I ask, distracted. She rolls her eyes.

"Can I borrow some clothes, Justin?"

"Wait, you're still going?" I ask confusedly.

"Yes, Justin. I'm going. Ti and I were gonna hang out regardless of whether or not you decided to show your ass," she answers, annoyed.

"Are you still mad?" I worry. She sighs deeply.

"No, not really."

"Then, why are you still calling me 'Justin?'" I press, unconvinced.

"What should I call you, Justin?"

"Baby, babe, boyfriend, your man, honey-" I list, until she cuts me off.

"Just because I'm not in a lovey mood right now, doesn't mean I'm mad," she explains. I pout at this.

"But I want you to be in a lovey mood," I mope, as she walks past me to rummage through my drawers.

"Justin. I don't have time for this right now, I need to get dressed. And you do, too. I know you have practice soon."

"Go ahead," I allow. She rolls her eyes, dropping her towel. She quickly pulls my sweater on before I can even enjoy the view. As she steps into a pair of my sweats, I ask, "Where are you going?"

"The cheer house," she answers bluntly. The cheer house is like the hockey house, but for cheerleaders. There's an ongoing rumor that the football team frequents the cheer house. I keep my concerns to myself, however, in fear that I may worsen the situation.

"Well, when will you be back?"

"I don't know, Justin. I might go to my place, after. You know, sleep in my own bed, in my own clothes."

"No!" I exclaim. "Please don't do that. I know you're not exactly happy with me right now, but please don't make me sleep alone?" I beg, pulling her closely into me.

"I'll try to call you when I leave Ti's, okay?" She compromises. I nod, taking what I can get for now. Damn, do I feel dumb.

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