Chapter 15: Home to Mama With Me

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By the end of dinner, Justin and I had consumed a total of nine aphrodisiacs. I'm not sure if its just a placebo, but I'm definitely starting to feel the effects as we're driving to the next location of our date. I've never been very adventurous when it comes to sex, at least from what I can remember, but the things I want to do to Justin right here in this car could definitely be classified as such. If it weren't for that goddamn ultimatum and my own goddamn stubbornness, all I'd have to do is say the words and I could have Justin spreading my legs wide open in the back seat of the van.

"El?" Justin asks, as if it weren't the first time. Daydreaming. It can really take up the forefront of my mind sometimes.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Well, um, I'm not sure if you're aware, but tomorrow is Thanksgiving," Justin starts. Shit.

"I actually didn't know that. Not that I'd want to. Going home to visit mí tía y mís primos is not exactly something I'm looking forward to," I explain. Mí tía has always prioritized mís primos because they're her kids, obviously. And that's fine, I get it. I just hate feeling like the odd one out. I hate being the inconvenience.

"Yeah, I know. I was just wondering, I mean, since we're both going home to Atlanta, and your home situation is the way it is, and my mom thinks we're still dating... maybe it'd just make sense if you came home... with me?" Justin rambles.

"You mean, like... to your house for the holiday?" I verify.

"Well, I mean, it's no pressure. I understand if that's not something you -"

"I'd love to. Thank you, baby," I whisper.

"Okay, great, because I don't think I could stay away from you for even a day and that whole thing about it just making sense was bullshit. I just want to take you home to my mom," he confesses. I blush at this. I've never thought of myself as the kind of girl a guy would be excited about taking home to meet his mom, even if it is just Ms. B and I've known her almost my whole life. It still means something to meet her as... Justin's... something. I don't know. "It'll be great. You can sleep over and we can wake up and go Black Friday shopping like we always do except now... now, it's perfect," he expresses.

"Now, its perfect," I agree. He looks over at me happily. Now, as we pull into a crowded parking lot, Justin places a hand on my knee. He looks over at me to ensure that I'm comfortable with this. I place my hand over his to confirm him. "Where are we?" I question, not recognizing the establishment.

"This is the hotel where Chaz, from my hockey team, works. Apparently, there's some kind of album launch party or something here tonight, and he scored me two passes. I don't know exactly who's going to be in there, but I thought it could be fun?" Justin explains.

"Oh my god! Really? Are you kidding?"

"Nope," Justin shakes his head grinningly. I leap over the seat to kiss him, but just in time, I redirect it to a cheek kiss, my headstrong personality taking over. Justin looks disappointed, and so do I, I'm sure. "Ready to go?" Justin asks, filling the awkward silence. And with that, he's out of the car. Before I'm able to open the car door, he does so for me, making me feel like a princess. He takes my hand, helping me out, and doesn't release it until we reach the hotel entrance. Justin shows the doorman our passes and he directs us to where the party is being held. I can't believe Justin did all of this for me. We take the elevator up to the top floor. We needed the pass to be able to select it, making me feel so exclusive.

The elevator is moving slow and the quiet allows the aphrodisiacs to take full force. I imagine allowing my primal instincts to get the better of me. I imagine grabbing Justin by the shoulders and allowing my lips to meet the crook of his neck, kissing and sucking until I find his sweet spot while his hand slides between my legs to find mine. I imagine his hand slipping underneath the skimpy thong that I'm wearing, relieving me of the pent up sexual frustration that I'm suffering from. I imagine his fingertips finally contacting my swollen center. I moan loudly, but this part isn't imagined. The sound that escapes my lips awakens me from my fantasy, to find Justin next to me, wide eyed and jaw dropped. I blush deeply, wishing for anything but to have to explain myself.

With that, the elevator dings, indicating that we've reached our floor before Justin can question me. Thank god. The moment the doors part even the slightest, I speed walk out, sliding through the partially open exit. I hear Justin behind me, his footsteps slower than mine. However, that means nothing because his strides are much larger than mine. And he's not in heels. He catches up to me in no time, snaking his arm around my waist. He leans down so close that his lips are practically touching my ear. What he whispers to me sends a chill throughout my body.

"I hope you were thinking about me."


Ohhhh, the sexual tension!!!

Who do you think is gonna give in first? Ely or Justin???

Do you think it's gonna happen tonight??? If so, where? (;

Also, Justin's taking Ely home for the holidays! Are y'all excited???

Ely's gonna meet the parents!!! **bites fingernails nervously**

Okay, I'm gonna shut up now, but please don't forget to add the book to your libraries so you know as soon as I update! Don't forget to like and comment! And if you don't like something, let ya girl know!!!



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