Chapter 67: Home With Me

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It's early in the morning. I'm waiting outside my dorm with my luggage, when I see Justin's dad pull up to the curb in his familiar blue van. I smile excitedly. Today's the day that Justin and I go home for Christmas, my favorite holiday. Justin gets out of the passenger side to come meet me, greeting me with a kiss while holding both of my hands. "Hey, babe. You didn't need to wait outside, I would've come up to get you," he says, grabbing my two suitcases.

"I know, I'm just so excited," I squeal, as he places them alongside his in the trunk, slamming the door shut.

"So am I, with you in those jeans. Are they new?" Justin flirts, eliciting a flattered blush out of me.

"Yeah," I answer, biting my lip.

"Damn," he comments as he trails behind me as I make my way to the backseat door. "Your ass -"

"Shh!" I giggle as I open the door to the car. I slide in, and Justin follows suit.

"Hello, Ely. Great to see you again," Justin's dad greets.

"Great to see you, too, Mr. B," I beam, genuinely meaning it.

"Justin's been treating you right, I hope?" He asks, leading Justin to roll his eyes rebelliously. I stifle a giggle.

"Of course," I assure, pecking Justin on the cheek. "I love you, baby," I swoon to Justin, taking his hand in mind.

"I love you, too, honey," Justin replies, squeezing my hand tightly. The rest of the long ride home is not much different. Justin and my flirting is accentuated with Justin's dad's orders for him to treat me well. When we finally arrive, I couldn't be more grateful. As much as I love flirting with Justin, the motion sickness really began to get to me. Justin carries our luggage in, and we are immediately greeted by his mother, who surprisingly was very happy to see me and even happier that Justin and I are back together. Her gushing over us is cut short by Justin brash interruption.

"Ma, I'd really love to stay and chat, but E and I really gotta get going," Justin excuses.

"But you just got here; where are you going?" Mrs. B worries.

"It's a surprise, Mom," Justin mutters lowly, as if I'm not literally in his arms. I roll my eyes at his obliviousness.

"Well, will you be home for dinner?" She presses.

"Yes, Mom, we won't be long. Can we go now?" Justin answers anxiously.

"Alright. Be safe!" Mrs. B calls after us, but Justin is already pulling me out of the door. I'm laughing amusedly at Justin's childish behavior as the winter air hits my cheeks.

"Babe, where are you taking me?" I giggle, climbing into the passenger seat of his dad's van.

"You'll see," he says, smiling devilishly. This lights a curiosity in me that I'm dying to douse. My jaw drops when we pull into the mall parking lot.

"You remembered how much I love the decorations in the mall at Christmas time?" I marvel, touched.

"Yeah, and I remember how badly you wanted to be kissed by the giant tree like in that cheesy chick flick that you'd watch over and over again," he teases, making my heart melt.

"Oh, babe," I swoon. "I'm so lucky."

"You're lucky? I'm the one that gets to kiss your perfect lips," he says, leaning over for a kiss as he pulls up to the front entrance. I award him with a lingering kiss, only pulling away for air. "You can get out here, and I'll go park. I don't want you to have to walk in the cold," Justin advises. I open my door to get out.

"I'll miss you, baby," I swoon, blowing him a kiss.

"God, you're adorable," he compliments before pulling away. I absentmindedly head toward the door to wait just inside the mall for Justin, when the door swings outward whacking me in the face. I fall to the ground, seeing colors.

"Ow!" I yell, when I hit the pavement.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" A boy's voice concerns, nearing me.

"No," I groan, rubbing my forehead. I look up at my attacker, only to see Aubrey, my high school crush. "But I think I'll be alright," I backpedal in awe.

"Elysandra? Oh my god, we went to high school together! We had Trigonometry," he reminds, as if I'd be the one to not remember him.

"Oh, yeah," I feign. "Aubrey, right?" I ask, as he grabs my hand helping me up.

"Yeah, right," he laughs kindly. "Wow, it's been a while. You look good," he compliments with his perfect, pearly smile. I look good. Aubrey Graham thinks I look good. Holy heaven almighty. I will myself to speak, but my mouth just hangs open in awe.

"You do look good, baby," interjects a voice that I'd recognize anywhere, along with his warm arm protectively wrapping itself around my shoulder. I look up at him, his expression knowing. I smile weakly up at him.

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