Chapter 63: Hurry With Me

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I'm in Justin's arms, kissing him to no end, and I feel like there's no one else in the world. "Hey, Justin!" Ryan calls, breaking me from my daydreams. I roll my eyes to glare at him. He's with the whole team, and they've all managed to change out of their gear already. I have been kissing Justin for that long. Oops. "We're all going out to get wings, did you two wanna come?" Yes, Ryan. We do wanna come, just not with you.

"Sorry, guys, we have a... thing we need to do," Justin answers absentmindedly, while staring at my body. My face gets heated at his transparency about our plans.

"Back together for a few hours, and already at it like rabbits," Chaz comments. "Were you like this with the basketball player, El?" At this, Justin is broken out of this haze of happiness, suddenly defensive. I see his jaw clench at the exact moment I feel his muscles tense up under me. I can't let this escalate.

"No, I'm not like this with anybody but my baby," I say as cutely as possible, pecking Justin on the lips. "Besides, Jaden and I are just friends." Justin's jaw does loosen up at my kiss, but his muscles remain tight and ready to seriously mess someone up.

"Friends, is that what you're calling it? I think your friend on the basketball team would call it a rebound," Chaz jokes. Ryan and Christian both stifle laughs, clearly not wanting to add fuel to the fire, yet doing so all the same. Justin's fist balls up as he starts to set me down. I need to act fast. I grip my legs around him tightly, so he's unable to put me down.

"Do you wanna fight with Chaz, or do you wanna do something else with me?" I whisper to him, the silence in the rink defeating the purpose. They can all hear me regardless. "Choose."

Thankfully, he chooses correctly. As Justin trudges off to the locker room, carrying me on his hip, he begrudgingly mutters, "I can't believe I'm letting him get away with that shit."

"You are gonna be so glad that you did... papí," I whisper seductively in his ear before biting my lip. At this Justin's head whips around to face me. He searches my face to confirm that I'm serious. I look up at him through my eyelashes as sexily as I can muster. Justin immediately quickens his pace, startling me at first. A large smile forms on my face, flattered by how much he wants me. In the locker room, he sets me down on the bench, eagerly stripping himself of his hockey gear. I sit and admire my man's amazing, glistening body silently, lips parted.

"We can't do it here, can we?" Justin asks impatiently, half undressed.

"No!" I whisper yell, eyes wide.

"Didn't think so. It was worth a try, though," he shrugs, continuing to change. Although he's rushing, it still feels like he's taking forever. I want him so badly.

"Ugh, babe, hurry up," I groan, throwing my head back. Justin stops in his tracks, jaw dropped.

"That's so hot," he says as he looks me up and down.

"Then, hurry," I plead softly. He nods quickly, continuing to slide on his pants, shirt then shoes. I immediately stand up, ready to leave, as Justin throws his gear into his bag. As soon as he's ready, I start walking out of the locker room, knowing he'll catch up to me shortly with his long strides. Unexpectedly, I'm scooped up into his arms. "Justin, you don't have to carry me everywhere. I'm a big girl; I can walk," I joke.

"You won't be saying that after I'm done with you," he smirks confidently. My jaw drops, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm so turned on by this. I swallow hard and then squirm uncomfortably as the heat and desperation builds in my body. He smiles, proud and accomplished. Calculatedly, Justin slows from his previous speed walking to an achingly glacial pace, making me squirm even more. Two can play at this game.

"I love you," I marvel looking up at him. He squints his eyes at me, not the response he was expecting.

"I love you, too," he replies suspiciously.

"It's like, in cartoons when they're in love and they have the little hearts floating around their heads? I have little hearts floating around my head. I just... I forgot how good it felt to just be in your arms," I ramble.

"You're so cute," he laughs. "I love having you in my arms."

"Yeah, its like, I don't even need to have sex with you anymore. This is enough," I bluff. The smile falls off of his face.

"What?" He asks seriously.

"Hurry," I demand.

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