Chapter 49: Argue With Me

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"Take a seat, babe. Your food is cool enough, now," Justin says, guiding me to my chair with a hand on my ass. I grab my seat at the island between Za and Ryan, happily awaiting my oatmeal. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I smelled the food prepared. I rest my elbows on the counter, placing my chin in my hands.

"Woah, Ely, what happened to your wrists?" Ryan questions worriedly. I hold them out to examine them, realizing they're black and purple with bruises.

"I tapped that. That's what happened," Justin answers smirkingly. My jaw drops gaspingly. The memory of Justin gripping my wrists while we were intimate earlier flashes through my mind. My stomach flips.

"Justin!" I exclaim, my face heated.

"Well, maybe you should be more gentle," Ryan comments under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Justin asks, wide eyed. Mine and everyone else's eyes go wide at Ryan's brazenness.

"It's just that every time I see Ely she's got new bruises... you'd think you'd take a hint," Ryan says, his voice trailing off dismissively.

"How about I worry about my girlfriend, and you worry about yours. It seems to me the only person hurting Ely is her, and it's your fucking fault!" Justin yells angrily. Although Justin is pissed, I know he's holding back. He hasn't physically hurt, or even threatened to physically hurt Ryan, which I know he has the capability to do. I know the only reason that he would reserve himself is to placate me. I genuinely appreciate that. On the same accord, I also appreciate Ryan sticking his neck out for my sake. I get up from the island to walk over to Justin, taking his balled up fists into my hands.

"Babe, he was just looking out for me. He didn't mean to overstep," I soothe, looking up into his eyes. "Did you, Ryan?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Oh, uh, no. I... I was just trying to help. But, I talked to Selena. I told her I'd get back together with her if she left you alone, so... that shouldn't be a problem anymore," Ryan says softly, probably humbled by Justin bringing up Selena. Ryan's revelation about taking Selena back for my sake seems to soften Justin's expression.

"Oh, Ryan, you didn't have to do that. Please, if you're not happy -" I start, before Justin cuts me off.

"Babe, he made his decision. Now, you don't have to stress about her," Justin says to only me.

"But he shouldn't have to suffer for me to not be afraid. It's not his fault she's a psycho," I explain.

"He's the one who dated her!" Justin whisper yells.

"Yeah, and he should be the one to decide whether or not he still dates her!" I counter in the same tone.

"And he has, Ely! He chose to take her back! If he wants to do it, why stop him?" Justin maintains.

"Ugh! Justin, it's not fair and you know it!"

"Look, El, it's fine. Sleeping with Selena three times a week is hardly a punishment," Ryan says halfheartedly.

"It is when you could be spending that time looking for someone you actually enjoy being around," I argue.

"Ely," Justin mutters frustratedly.

"What, Justin?" I ask, annoyed beyond belief.

"Just drop it, okay?"

"No, Justin! Would you date her to keep her from retaliating?" I ask.

"That's way different," Justin evades. Annoyed with the whole situation, I turn to face Ryan.

"Ryan, you need to break up with her. I mean it. Let Selena do whatever. As long as I have Justin and you guys, I'll be fine. I don't care anymore!" I say, throwing my hands up. I turn to Justin, "And you better not do anything to stop him, I swear to god. I'm not freaking hungry anymore," I say, stomping off toward the stairs.

"El, wait," Justin calls, starting to follow after me.

"Leave me alone, Justin," I yell over my shoulder. I take the stairs two at a time, going into Justin's room. I plop onto Justin's bed, screaming into the pillow. Dammit! I hate all of this! Freaking Selena, making her problems my problems. Freaking Justin, always patronizing me. Freaking Ryan, putting me ahead of his own happiness. I just wish everyone would just leave me the hell alone!

"Baby?" Justin asks, peaking his head into the room. I pick the pillow up again, screaming into it a second time.


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