Chapter 30: Plan With Me

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I lay awake in my bed, holding Ely while she sleeps. I smilingly take in her beautiful, peaceful features, running my fingers through her hair. I know I should be exhausted, but how can I sleep after Ely told me she's ready to have sex with me? I'm too elated to even shut my eyes. Everything is perfect. I have to make everything perfect for her. I try to recall everything she said she imagined for her first time. Romance. That was the big thing. I can be romantic. I think. What else did she say? Rose petals. I laugh to myself. It's so cliche. She's so adorable. Candles. What kind of candles does she like? Dammit, I can't remember. I should probably get wine, or champagne or something. What's more romantic? Shit. I have no idea what I'm doing. What do I do?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my door sliding open slowly. Mom peaks her head in. "Morning, Justin," she whispers, not wanting to wake El. "I made breakfast."

"Okay, ma. We'll be down in a bit."

"Oh, no, don't wake her. I'll just make more when she's up," Mom allows. She's always so nice to Ely. I'm very jealous. I ease myself out from under Ely to head downstairs for breakfast. I reach the kitchen, but it's empty aside from Mom and I.

"Where's Dad and Jazz?" I question.

"Dad took Jazzy to the ice rink to skate," Mom answers. "By the way, your Dad will be driving you both back to school tomorrow, so make sure you guys have your things packed tonight."

"We will," I assure. "Speaking of tomorrow... I hate to ask this, but there's really no one else I can ask about this, and you're not gonna like it, but it's really important to me, and-"

"Justin. Spit it out."

"Tomorrow night is going to be a really important night for Ely and I and she said she wants it to be romantic and I don't know what that means, and she said she wants rose petals and I don't know where to get those. She said she wants candles but I don't know what scent. I don't know what drink is most romantic, wine or champagne. I don't know if I should have music or if that's just weird. I don't know what to wear. I just... I'm so lost," I ramble before finally taking a breath. Mom looks at me with wide eyes, her body frozen in the act of plating my eggs. She sets the spatula and dish down on the counter before speaking.

"Okay, so this important night... it hasn't happened yet?" She asks in disbelief.

"Nope," I fib, deciding the details aren't exactly essential.

"Well... I'm proud of you for being responsible," she starts, guilt flipping my stomach. "And it's going to be alright. Just be yourself. When a girl wants romance, she just wants you to just show how much you love her. And it seems like you've already gotten that together. As for the rose petals, any florist should have plenty. There's one by the mall here, if your campus doesn't have one. The candles should also be rose scented, so it doesn't compete. For the drink, go with virgin champagne. I mean it, Justin. No alcohol. No music, that is weird. And not romantic at all. Lastly, wear something nice, but simple. A button down and jeans would be good. Make sure it's ironed. And do something with you hair, don't leave it hanging in your eyes like that. Oh, and make sure you do something personalized. Let her know that this isn't just some routine. This is for her and only her. And please, above all, use protection."

"Mom! Ugh, please, don't. We've - we've got that covered alright," I wince.

"You're the one that brought up the topic, Justin! This is just as awkward for me," Mom counters.

"What's awkward?" Ely asks, entering the kitchen with a yawn. Shit.

"Justin lost his jock strap for hockey and he needs a new one," Mom blurts out.

"Mom!" I scold, genuinely embarrassed. I'm grateful for the cover, but could she have thought of anything less embarrassing. Mom shrugs at me, to which I roll my eyes.

"Oh." Ely walks over to me, climbing into my lap sleepily. I wrap my arms around her to hold her steady. I kiss her on her forehead. "I love you, don't be embarrassed," she groans.

"Okay, baby," I say, feeling my Mom's eyes on us. The air is awkward after revealing our plans to her. My mom slides us both a plate of eggs and bacon. "Thanks, Mom. For everything."

"Anytime," she responds. "You might want to get her back into bed," Mom advises, gesturing to Ely, now asleep in my lap. I spoon my eggs down quickly before standing, cradling my girl in my arms.

"Justin, I love you," she mutters, still sleeping. I giggle at this.

"Love you too, E. So, so much," I whisper, carrying her away.

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