Chapter 33: Rendezvous With Me

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As I get out of Atifa's truck, I have to mentally instruct myself to do basic functions such as walking and breathing. Left foot, right foot, left foot. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in. Finally, I reach the front door to Justin's place. I internally debate on weather I should call, knock, or just let myself in with my key. Why didn't I consider this before? Shit. I start to turn back to ask Ti what I should do but before I can, the door swings open. It's Justin. I take in his light wash jeans, white button down, and flawlessly styled hair. I'm so amazed, that I realize that I forgot to tell myself to breathe.

"Hi," I breathe, totally awestruck.

"You're pretty," he swoons, lacking his usual composed flirtiness. It is instead replaced by the awkward enchantment of a young schoolboy with a crush. I giggle lightly, tremendously flattered that I'm having this effect on him, and comforted that this is a big deal for him as well.

"How did you -?" I ask, gesturing to the door, wondering how he knew I was here.

"Oh! Atifa called," he answers, rushed. It seems to dawn on him that we're still standing in the doorway. "Please, come in." He allows me to walk ahead of him, so I do. Left, right, left. As I pass him, he brushes my freshly straightened hair behind my ear. "I like this," he compliments, making me blush. "I mean, the curls will always be my favorite, but this... wow."

"Thank you, baby," I choke out, the anxiety drying my throat. "Are we going upstairs?" I ask once we reach the living room.

"Yes, if that's okay with you? I mean, it's no rush. Just... whenever you're ready," he scrambles. I turn to face him, closing the gap between us with a step.

"I'm ready," I confirm, pecking him softly on the mouth.

"Okay," he agrees, taking my hand to lead me upstairs. When we arrive at his door, he opens it for me, allowing me to enter first. I stop in my tracks after one step into the room. Everything is different, yet so familiar. It's how I've always pictured my first time, except now it's a reality. A trail of rose petals lead a pathway to Justin's bed, which is covered with an array of them over fresh white bedding. The scent of the roses is magnified by the candles covering nearly every surface in the room: dressers, night stands, window sills. Along with the candles on the night stand is champagne. My jaw drops at the beautiful scene Justin has prepared for us. I swing myself around, speechless, to find Justin standing behind me, his face nervous and expectant.

"You did this all for me?" I ask, touched. He nods.

"Is it... is it okay? Is it what you wanted?"

"It's everything I could've ever dreamed of," I marvel, throwing my arms around him, kissing him fervently. The kiss is heated and passionate, despite our combined nervousness. He runs his hands up and down my body as I melt into him. "I love you," I moan into the kiss. I release my hold on his neck so that my fingers can work on unbuttoning his shirt. It's a struggle to manage this without being able to see them and while kissing Justin, causing me to accidentally bite his lip.

"Ow," he reacts, as I taste blood in my mouth. I pull away worriedly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I apologize, wiping the blood from his mouth with my thumb. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Yeah, I think I'd say I'm a little more than okay," he teases, looking me up and down. There's the Justin I know. I smack his shoulder playfully.

"You know what I mean," I roll my eyes. He grins amusedly.

"I don't know. It does kinda hurt," he says seriously. My lips part in concern. "There is one thing that could make me feel better, though."

"What do you need, baby?"

He leans down to my ear, and grips my ass cheeks with both hands. "To get you out of this sexy little dress," he seduces. A chill runs through my body.

"I think that can be arranged," I muster. He lifts the hem of my slip to pull it over my head, revealing my white lingerie. My eyes widen, awaiting his reaction. His eyes widen, too, except his are in shock as opposed to anticipation.

"Wow," is all he can manage. I bite my lip, flattered. He pulls me in close, suddenly. "If you want me to last until we do what you came here to do tonight, you're gonna have to not be so hot," he growls in my ear. Lust washes over me, flipping my stomach. "That includes that little lip biting thing that's turning me on so much," he adds. I release my lip from my teeth.

"Your turn," I whisper, pulling out of his grasp. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. I point to his clothes that are still covering his body. "Strip."

Justin's eyes are ablaze with lust as he slowly unbuttons his shirt, revealing his hockey-sculpted chest. He allows the shirt to fall to the floor before moving on to his pants, which he drops with ease. I eye his clearly new Calvin Klein briefs. He looks perfect, like a model on a billboard. I finally manage to break my eyes away from his partially... prepared appendage hidden in his briefs. My eyes meet his, but his don't meet mine. His are zeroed in on the sheer bra that I wore just for him, or should I say, what's underneath the sheer bra. "Someone likes what she sees," he teases.

"I could say the same about you," I retort, letting my eyes return to what they desperately want to see.

"Damn right," he agrees. "I want you," he says.

"Then, take me."

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