Chapter 68: Mall With Me

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"You do look good, baby," I interrupt protectively, pulling my girl in close. Ely's had a thing for this guy since we were kids. She'd always deny it blushingly, but I know better. And today, the day I planned to sweep her off her feet, is of course the day he shows up. Fucking Aubrey Graham.

"Oh, hey Justin!" He greets innocently. Fake. "Are you two... like a thing?" He asks gesturing towards us. I look down at Ely who looks so uncomfortable, as if the air is thinning by the second.

"Three months," I boast proudly, pulling her in closer to me.

"Wish I could say I'm surprised, but... it was only a matter of time," he comments. I can't help but to feel somewhat suspicious. "Well, I better get going! It was good to see you, Justin," Aubrey fares. I nod noncommittally. "Ely, hope to see you again," he adds with a smirk, making Ely's eyelashes flutter and lips part just so slightly, an involuntary response she's always had to being turned on. Shit.

"Well, you probably won't. We don't really leave my bed much," I comment smilingly. At this point, Ely's jaw is completely dropped. Aubrey's eyes widen, realizing my motives. He nods acceptingly.

"Well, it was good seeing y'all all the same," he replies as he leaves. Ely and I continue walking with my arm draped over her shoulder, sparking conversation once he's out of earshot.

"What was that, babe?" she asks with amusement in her voice.

"What was what?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"We don't leave my bed much? Since when do you go around broadcasting our sex life?" Ely questions as we stroll through the mall.

"Oh, ever since a guy hit on you and you actually entertained it," I retort in a playful tone. Ely's mouth forms an O-shape in a gasp.

"I did not entertain it!" she refutes.

"Babe, I know you like him."

"I do not!" She argues offendedly, her cheeks flushed.

"Then, why are you blushing?" I ask knowingly. She wraps her arms around my waist lovingly as she looks up at me with her large, doe eyes.

With a pout, she asks, "Are you mad?" I roll my eyes. How could I be mad at her when she looks at me like that?

"No... but you still like me better, right?" I confirm. Ely cranes up with puckered lips, asking for a kiss, which I grant. I expect it to be a quick peck, but she places her hand on the side of my face, holding me to her. I place my free hand on her hip, snaking it under her sweater to feel the warmth of her bare skin. Our bodies melt together as our kiss builds into making out. Once the kiss gets heated to the point where any further intimacy would lead to sex, Ely pulls away, biting her lip.

"Yeah, I think I like you better," she teases. "Besides, Aubrey's breath stinks," Ely adds with a laugh. I shake my head amusedly. God, I love her. I peck her on the lips once more.

"How does my breath smell?" I ask jokingly.

"Fucking amazing," she answers with a wink. Wow. "Hey, babe, I need to stop in this convenience store to get some... girl products," she says covertly.

"Oh. Okay, baby," I say, handing her my wallet. "I'm gonna sit on one of those benches, but just use my card," I excuse, trying to give her privacy. She doesn't take my wallet.

"Hun, I can buy my own things," she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have to," I say, forcing my wallet on her. "Please?"

"Okay," she smiles softly. "I'll be out in five," she fares. I head over to the benches to wait for my girl. As I'm sitting, I'm worrying about how I'm gonna put the finishing touches on Ely's gift without her catching me. Maybe I can do it while she's showering? No, I can't, I don't want to give her an opportunity to throw up again. Maybe while she's sleeping? Unless she's feeling particularly frisky tonight, then that's out. Maybe I can get Jazz to distract her! My thoughts are interrupted when my girl straddles my lap, surprising me. Her body looks freaking amazing and I look to the heavens to thank God for blessing me with such a woman.

"What?" She giggles, inquiring about my facial expression.

"I'm just so lucky to have a girl as bad as you," I mumble, kissing her neck. I pull away to ask, "Did you find what you need," looking at the plastic bag she has in her hands. She hides it behind her back blushingly, with an eye roll.

"Yes, baby," she says, pecking me on the nose. "But can we do the kissing under the tree thing another time? This is so not romantic."

"Anything you want, babe," I answer, kissing her firmly on the lips. "Let's go home, so I can kiss you without offending any old people," I mock whisper, side eyeing the old woman who's staring at us angrily. Ely gets up from my lap, allowing me up as well. We walk hand in hand back to the exit.

"Justin... I want you to know that I love you no matter what, okay?" Ely says nervously as we walk. I glance at her worriedly, but she doesn't catch it; she's looking down. I lift her chin with two fingers so that she's looking at me.

"And I love you no matter what, so whatever it is that you're worried about... don't. You can always talk to me about anything. If you're struggling with something... I can help. I love you, E. You're my world."

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