Chapter 41: Girls' Night Out With Me

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When we pull up to the club, I'm immediately intimidated. This place is far nicer than any place that I've ever partied. Yes, my party experience is limited to four keggers, but it's still extremely nice. I'm so anxious. Before we get out of the van, Ti hands me a card. I examine it under the lighting from the club.

"It's my sister's ID. You can use it to get drinks. She kinda looks like you right?" Ti asks. Yeah, if I were a model. I look at her disbelievingly. "Oh, come on," she says, hopping out of her truck. I follow her, with the rest of the girls in tow.

"Welcome back, ladies," the bouncer greets us when we reach the front. "ID's?" He asks, all of us pulling out our cards. I'm not gonna lie, I'm so scared that this won't work. When it's my turn, he stops me. Shit, shit, shit. "I haven't seen you before. You're a cheerleader?" He verifies. Atifa pulls me into a side hug.

"Our newest member," she sings happily.

"Madison got pregnant," another cheerleader - Chantel? - adds.

"CJ! You can't tell just about everyone!" Jayde whisper scolds. I know Jayde because she's the one with the cute accent.

"Damn, I'm gonna miss her," the bouncer comments. "Go on in, ladies. Have a nice time."

Once we're in, Atifa hugs me again - damn, she can hug. "Ah! We did it. Now, let's turn the fuck up!" And that we did. All of us, apart from Miranda, drank our weight in pretty technicolored drinks with umbrellas. I really feel for Miranda. I dread the night when it's my turn to drive home. After a fair amount of intoxication, we all head for the dance floor. Even drunk, we're the best dancers on the floor by far. The music is loud, but perfectly mixed, never allowing for a break. I'm mid twerk when I feel a large, heavy hand on my waist. I straighten up almost immediately. I whip my head around to see that the owner of the misplaced hand is a sweaty, muscular man in his early forties. If I were to picture what my ex would look like in twenty years, it'd be this guy.

"Bring that ass over here, bitch," he smirks. I want to gag, but I fight the urge. This guy does not look like the type to take rejection well. My mind scrambles to find a way to turn him down without offending him. I open my mouth to tell him I have a boyfriend, but nothing comes out. I'm too afraid. Just then, I feel a familiar hand snake around my waist.

"Hey, baby, wanna get more drinks?" Atifa flirts, kissing me deeply on the mouth. Huh? Oh.

"And miss the chance to dance with my beautiful girlfriend?" I say much too loudly. I try to tone it down. "Dance with me, babe." Atifa doesn't waste time. She positions herself in front of me to twerk on me, and I don't have to pretend to enjoy it. The girl can dance. I place my hands on her hips, guiding her to the beat and working my hips in time with hers.

"Fucking whores," the guy growls, walking off. Ti doesn't stop dancing after he's gone, and I don't want her to. We're having too much fun. After a few songs, she and I go for a bathroom break. We stumble through the doors, wildly intoxicated, grabbing the sink to stabilize ourselves.

"Oh my god, can you believe that guy?" Atifa laughs once inside and away from the pounding music.

"I know, like how gross can you be?" I agree, mesmerized at how vivid my reflection looks.

"At least one good thing came out of it," she adds. "I got myself a hot little girlfriend," she jokes, pinching my ass. I gasp amusedly. "But seriously, are you having fun?"

"So much fun," I answer, swaying for whatever reason. "I've never had girl friends before. Hell, I've never had any friends before, aside from Justin. This is so much fun. I love you guys," I overshare.

"And honey, we love you. I hope you plan on coming with us again," she murmurs, hugging me.

"Of course," I murmur back.

"Good! Now let's pee, so we can really get some more drinks!" She cheers, wobbling toward the stall. Can't argue with that.

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