Chapter 19: Road Trip With Me

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After packing, showering, and getting lost one too many times, I finally make it to Justin's house with my bag, ready to meet his parents as his girlfriend. I use my key to let myself in, and make my way into the living room. There, I find Justin sitting on the couch watching television, but once he sees me, he rises happily. He bounds toward me before enveloping me in a large hug. "Ugh, I missed my baby girl so much."

"Missed you too, honey," I answer, squished. He releases me, beaming. "Babe, what's with the turtleneck? You know it's gonna be like seventy degrees back home today, right?" I ask, looking down at my pink sundress and denim jacket.

"You, uh... you kinda left a few marks last night," he says. I furrow my eyebrows, but before I can ask, he pulls down the neck of his sweater. This reveals hickeys scattered all over his neck. I gasp in shock.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to -"

"Don't be sorry," Justin cuts me off, plopping down on the couch, pulling me down on top of him, straddling him. "I loved it," he whispers to me. "Think we can make out without you giving me any more, though?"

"Yeah," I breathe, nodding before attacking his lips. As we make out fervently, his hands explore my body, my hips rolling into him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses down mine, careful not to leave any marks. He makes his way down to my chest before pulling my dress and bra down to reveal my boobs. He starts kissing and sucking on them, making me moan. I close my eyes in pleasure, throwing my head back.

"You're so fucking hot," Justin pants before licking my right nipple with the flat of his tongue. "So, so hot," he continues, gripping my ass under my dress.

"Justin," a voice calls from the bottom of the stairs. My eyes snap open to see Ryan standing there, averting his eyes. I immediately fix my dress, my face hot with embarrassment. I get off of Justin, standing up and pulling my jacket closed. I wish I could hide in it. "Your dad's outside. He's been honking for five minutes," he groans, clearly still half asleep.

"Okay, thanks, Ry," Justin chokes out. Ryan heads back upstairs immediately. I grab my bag and Justin grabs his as we head out to his dad's truck in silence. Justin opens the trunk, throwing our bags in. We both slide into Mr. B's backseat.

"Hey, dad," Justin greets.

"Good to see you, son. And Ely, it's nice to have you, as well. I take it my son has been treating you well?" Mr. B inquires.

"Yes, he, uh, treats me amazing," I breathe, feeling a touch of awkwardness, remembering just how well Justin was treating me on the living room couch.

"That's what I like to hear. It took him long enough. I almost thought that he'd never open his eyes," Mr B. comments, pulling out into the road.

"Dad," Justin mutters.

"What? You've had this amazing girl right in front of your face from day one, smart, sweet, cute as a button... and you do nothing about it. I tell you, if you waited any longer, you might've lost your chance." I blush at Mr. B's compliments.

"Dad," Justin mutters again, his face red.

"I'm just saying, Justin. You better treat her right or someone else is just gonna steal her right from under you. I know how you are."

"Actually, Justin treats me so well. He shows me he loves me in every way possible. He takes me out, cooks for me, tells me I'm pretty, he's faithful, and honest. He really is a perfect gentleman, I promise, Mr B.," I assert. Justin squeezes my thigh, and I lean into his body.

"Now, that's what I like to hear. Keep it up, son. This young lady; she's a keeper," Mr. B. advises.

"Don't I know it," Justin agrees, smiling down at me. I stretch upward to peck him on the lips.

"Ely, would you like to listen to the radio?" Mr. B. asks.

"Sure," I answer. When he turns up the volume, I'm pleased to hear my favorite song.

"No limit in the sky that I won't fly for ya," Justin croons. His voice is so angelic and I almost never get to hear it. A chill runs through my body from how beautiful my favorite song sounds in his voice. I wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. "Share my life, it's yours to keep now that I give to you all of me," he sings. I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling his body rise and fall as his vocals fill the atmosphere. Once the song is over, I'm left wanting more. "I love you, Elysandra," he whispers.

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