Chapter 45: Damage Control With Me

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I'm sitting in the hallway outside of Justin's classroom, going out of my mind with worry. I thought I escaped the bullies and mean girls, but it turns out that I'd celebrated too soon. This just proves that it was me the whole time. I'm just destined to be a target. I'm just naturally unlikeable and as soon as my supposed "friends" figure that out, I'll be right back to where I was in high school: miserable and lonely. I better take advantage of the friends I have now before I lose them. I pull my phone out of the pocket in Justin's shorts that I'm wearing.

Me: Help!

Atifa: What's wrong, boo?

Me: I might've accidentally told Ryan to dump Selena & now she's out to get me ):

Atifa: Why would you do that?!?!

Me: He said she wasn't treating him right! I know what that's like... I'd want someone to tell me...

Atifa: Four words. Stay in your lane, boo boo.

Me: That's six words.

Atifa: -_-

Me: Sorry! What should I do?

Atifa: You got two choices. A) Get Ryan to take her back. B) Face Selena head on.

Me: Shit ):

Atifa: /:

I set my phone down frustratedly. What do I do? I can't give Ryan advice I know to be bad. Especially, now that I've met Selena and I know what kind of person she is. But I also can't go back to being bullied again. I can't. My phone buzzes again. Maybe Ti came up with something!

Boyfriend: Baby, I love you. Are you okay? If not, I'll leave class early. We can go home and cuddle? Watch movies? Make out? Whatever you want.

Everything in me wants to tell Justin that I'm not okay. I want to tell him I need him and that I wanna do all three. But I can't do that to him. I know Psych is hard for him and I know he needs to keep his grades up to be able to play, so I don't say what I do desperately want to.

Me: It's fine, babe. I do wanna do all that stuff, but only after you finish class. Love you.

Boyfriend: Love you, too.

I sigh deeply, the inner turmoil tearing me apart. I stand up to start pacing back and forth to busy myself and work off some of this nervous energy. I stop to check my phone.

Boyfriend: I see you pacing. You're not alright ):

Me: Please don't leave class. I'll be okay!

Boyfriend: Babe, please don't worry. I won't let her do anything to hurt you.

Me: Because that worked out so well in high school. And middle school. And elementary school.

Boyfriend: This will be different. Back then I was selfish, and I am so sorry. Now, you're my world. Nothing comes before you. I love you.

Me: I love you too, but I don't think there's much you can do.

Boyfriend: Remember the bullying incident with Ryan? Who fixed that?

Me: I don't know... I have amnesia, Justin.

Boyfriend: I did. And if she tries anything, I'll fix it. I swear. Don't you trust me?

Me: Yes.

Boyfriend: Then don't worry. I've got you, baby.

At that, I stop pacing. I slide down the side of the wall to sit, but I'm only sitting for about ten minutes. The door to the classroom swings open and the first person out is my boyfriend. He walks over to me briskly, picking me up easily before I can even attempt to get up on my own. He holds me up squeezing me tight. I squeeze back.

"Let's go home, baby. How's that sound?" He whispers in my ear. I nod, not loosening my hold on him. He begins carrying me toward the exit as I rest my chin on his shoulder. I see Selena and a friend talking down the hallway as she glares hatefully at me. I don't say anything, but the image haunts me the whole way home.

Once inside, Justin sets me down on the couch in the living room, setting up Netflix for me to choose what to watch while he makes popcorn. By the time I've chosen Footloose, my go to cheer up movie, he's back with a large bowl of buttered popcorn. He takes the seat next to me, setting the popcorn down on the coffee table. "Thanks, baby."

"Anything for my woman," Justin flirts, placing an arm around my shoulders.

"Anything?" I confirm.


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