Chapter 44: Class With Me

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I wake up in just enough time to get ready for class, so I try to gently slide El off of me so that I can get up. Unfortunately, I'm not as gentle as I need to be, because my girlfriend's eyes flutter open. "Morning, babe. I've gotta go to class. I'll be back soon," I rush, sliding on yesterday's jeans and a t-shirt. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I'm running my toothbrush under the water, I'm startled by Ely bursting in as well, holding up a pair of my shorts on herself by her hands. She's also wearing one of my t-shirts. She grabs my toothbrush out of my hand and starts brushing. "Babe, what are you doing?" I laugh.

"I wanna walk you to class," she answers, her voice muffled by foaming toothpaste. She spits, then hands me the toothbrush. As I reapply my toothpaste, I eye how cute she looks drowning in my clothes.

"Honey, you don't have to do that. I know your hangover must be hell," I soothe, shoving my toothbrush in my mouth.

"I promise, it is. But I want to," she murmurs into me, cuddling up on me like a kitten, making it difficult to brush my teeth. Not that I'm complaining. I spit, wiping my mouth clean with my rag.

"At least take a pain killer so I don't have to worry about you suffering," I say, opening the medicine cabinet. She does so, but not without rolling her eyes. I turn, lifting her onto my back, carrying her downstairs quickly to make up for lost time. She giggles amusedly as I grab my books off of the coffee table. Once we're out the door, she leans around, pecking me on the cheek. I can still feel it, even after her lips leave my skin. As I walk, Ely's taking a billion and one selfies of us. I don't have to see them to know that each and every one is my favorite. "How many pictures do you need, El?" I joke.

"So many. You look so cute right now," she gushes, squeezing me tightly. I roll my eyes. She puts her phone away. "And I'm kinda in love with you."

"Oh, kinda?" I ask playfully. "Well, you're kinda the greatest thing to have ever happened to me."

"That's kinda the sweetest thing, baby," she teases. We reach the building, and then the classroom, so I set her down on her feet.

"This is where I must leave you," I say in a terrible British accent, bowing.

"Hm... Wanna kiss me?" She offers. I grab her by the waist, pulling her into me.

"You bet, I do," I smirk, kissing her deeply. The kiss lasts longer than I intend, but I don't mind. That is, until we're interrupted.

"I know it was you," a voice says, clearly intended for Ely or me. We pull apart to see Selena standing arms crossed in front of us. Her gaze is locked on Ely.

"Do I know you?" Ely asks, confusedly.

"Cut the bullshit," Selena spits angrily. I clear my throat awkwardly.

"El, baby, this is um... this is Selena," I explain.

"Don't act stupid, stupid," Selena sneers at Ely.

"Look, Selena, I don't know what you think -" I start.

"Stay out of this, Justin. I wanna hear this bitch explain herself," Selena snaps.

"Look, from what I'm told, you're the one who kissed my boyfriend, so if anyone should be mad, here -" Ely defends, only to be cut off.

"Old news, hockey slut. Guess everyone was right about you," Selena insults.

"What did I ever do to you?" Ely asks incredulously.

"How about making Ryan dump me? I know it had to be you! Everything was great between us, but as soon as he sees you again, it's suddenly 'not working' between us? You think I'm stupid? You've got another thing coming, bitch."

"Okay, calm down. I can't make anyone do anything. If he broke up with you, it's because he wanted to. I'm sorry, but why would you even want to be with someone who didn't wanna be with you?" Ely retorts.

"That's not your business! Did you tell Ryan to dump me or not?" she presses.

"Look, all I said is: if a girl isn't treating him right, he needs to let it go and find someone who will," Ely states unapologetically.

"That was your biggest mistake. But that's okay. You're gonna pay for it, a hundred times over, I promise you. Watch your back, Ely. I'm gonna make your life hell," Selena warns, sauntering off into the classroom, bumping Ely in the process. I grab Ely by the shoulders.

"Baby, are you alright?" I ask. She doesn't answer, but tears well up in her eyes. She blinks them back, swallowing hard. "Baby, it's gonna be okay, alright? We'll get Ryan to talk to her, everything's gonna be fine." She nods hesitantly. Regretfully, I say, "I've gotta get to class, but I promise, after, we'll go home and everything will be alright." She nods again, in the same manner. Fuck. I hate Selena.

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