Chapter 10: Wake Up With Me

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I wake with only three certainties. One, my mouth is dry as hell with the faint taste of mint. Two, Ely's naked body is laying upon my nearly naked body. Three, I have no recollection of last night whatsoever. I go to rub my eyes awake, accidentally waking Ely also.

"Good morning, babe," she smiles brightly at me, her voice still sleepy.

"Did we...?" I ask, my thoughts foggy.

"Kiss? Yeah," she laughs lightly. Oh. So that explains the minty taste in my mouth. But why are we naked? I want to ask her, but I don't want her to take it as a complaint or anything.

"Did I kiss you?" I ask. How drunk did I get?

"No," she shakes her head mischievously. She kissed me! I flip our bodies so that I'm on top of her. I kiss her deeply on the mouth, and she kisses back, albeit lightly, but she kisses back nonetheless. When I pull away, I smile widely at her. She rolls her eyes amusedly.

"Does this mean -" I start.

"It means that we made a deal. My end of the bargain was to kiss you. I kept my word, that's all," she dismisses. I don't know what I did to get her to kiss me, I just know that I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

"Wait! Then why did you let me kiss you just now? Why did you kiss back," I ask, suspiciously.

"Well, I just happen to think that you're not the worst kisser in the world..." she excuses, averting her eyes. Do I catch a glimpse of her... blushing?

"So, you wouldn't mind if I did it again?" I ask eagerly.

"It wouldn't be the worst thing," she says, clearly not wanting to let on that she thinks I'm a great kisser. With that, I plant my lips on hers, making her body tense, then relax. Last time, she barely kissed back. This time, she's putting in as much effort as I am. It's not long before she allows my tongue to enter her lips. Our tongues dance in the most sensual way. While I was holding myself over her with two hands before, now I'm doing so with only one, allowing my other hand to grasp her hip. She moans into my mouth. I pull away briefly.

"Damn, I missed hearing that," I comment, looking down at her gorgeous bare body. Ely takes advantage of my moment of weakness, flipping me over so that she's straddling me now. She dives down to kiss me once more. As she deepens the kiss, her hips roll on mine, making me feel tension in my lower region. I grasp the sheets with my free hand to help myself maintain my composure. Suddenly, the sound of the door swinging open startles us apart. We both look to the door to see Atifa and Za at the door, both with wide eyes and open mouths at us. Ely dismounts me, hiding her naked body under the covers.

"It's not what it looks like," we say in unison. Za and Atifa side eye each other suspiciously.

"Ahuh, Za and I were just wondering if you two wanted to go with us to the Thanksgiving fair that student council is having in the quad... but we can see that you're busy," Atifa teases.

"No, it's fine, we're not busy! I was just... looking at Justin's neck! He thought a spider bit him, that's all," Ely lies. I smirk to myself.

"Ha!" Za laughs amusedly before Atifa pulls him away.

"We're leaving in 30! Get dressed!" Atifa yells behind herself, not bothering to close my door. Damn. Once they're gone, Ely let's out a sigh.

"That cannot happen again," Ely warns. I laugh wryly.

"Yeah, that's rich. You were on top of me!" I argue amusedly.

"Yeah, and you kissed me first!"

"That's not what I was told," I smirk. She rolls her eyes defeatedly.

"Just go close the door so we can get ready," Ely requests.

"You close the door. I'm in no rush to get out of bed when I'm laying next to the hottest girl in the world. Naked," I tease, biting my lip and reaching out to caress her bare skin beneath the sheets.

"Fine. I'll go close it myself. Naked. And if, I don't know, Ryan walks by when I'm naked, it's no big deal right?" Ely teases. I sigh, muttering under my breath, mocking her incoherently. I shut the door, eliciting a self satisfied "Thank you," from Ely. I mock her again to which she laughs.

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