Chapter 40: Worry With Me

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I hear cheers of encouragement as I score another slap shot in practice, taking all my romantic frustrations out on the ice. The salty taste of sweat making it's way into my mouth is not unlike how I'm feeling internally. The idea of having upset my girl, especially directly after having her so happy, is tearing me up and all I want is to go to her to make things right. However, it seems that the universe is set on that not happening, so for now, I'm burning off some of that bad energy with my hockey stick.

"Alright, let's break for water. Ten minutes!" Christian orders, half of us off the ice before he's even done announcing break time. Za takes a seat next to me on the bench.

"What's up?" Za asks concerned. I look at him suspiciously. How does he know? "For one, you only play this well when you know Ely's watching, and I know she's out with Ti, so... something's up. And two, Ti told me I should check on you. She wouldn't tell me why, though, so... something's definitely up," he answers. I sigh before starting.

"I went to the store with Christian to get El some coffee creamer, but when I came back, she was asleep. On Ryan's shoulder. And he was holding her. Holding her," I say, glaring at Ryan on the other side of the rink. He's clearly avoiding me and my eye contact. Smart move. "Anyway, I threatened to beat his ass if he ever comes near Ely again, and now she's mad at me." Za grimaces. "What?"

"You should've known better," Za advises.

"Za, you know he likes her. And she's made it clear that she likes him, too. What was I supposed to do?"

"Wait. Yeah, he crossed the line, but you should know your girl. You should know how she would've reacted to violence, especially with someone she cares for somewhat. Man, I'd fuck him up if he'd tried anything with Ti... but not in front of her. There's a time and place," Za explains.

"Fuck," I sigh in frustration. "What do I do?"

"Well, hopefully the girls going out and getting drunk will help her blow off some of her steam, and practice will help you blow off some of yours. It should be easier to talk it out once you're both calmer." I nod, taking in the advice. Wait!

"Going out? Getting drunk? I thought they were just hanging out at Atifa's?" I question.

"Yeah, to get ready. The whole squad gets into this club for free on Mondays. Its apparently crazy expensive, but drunk college cheerleaders are good for business, so," Za explains, rolling his eyes.

"What? And you just let her go?" I press incredulously.

"Yeah," he answers nonchalantly. "I'm not worried, I know Ti. I can trust her. Besides, what else am I gonna do? Tell her to stay home? I'm her boyfriend, not her dad." I roll my eyes at this.

"Yeah, but Ely's mad at me. What if some guy puts moves on her, and she's angry, and drunk. Shit, Ely can't pace herself with alcohol. I need to go find her," I worry, standing up from the bench. Za pulls me back down immediately.

"Will you knock it off? Atifa's watching out for her. She won't let Ely go too far. And I seriously doubt Ely would go for some random in the club. You gotta trust her. Either that or lose her. And I know that's not exactly an option for you."

"Ugh, you're right. This just sucks man," I express, pulling my phone out.

"Back on the ice!" Christian yells. Before getting up to join the rest of the guys, I compose a text to Ely. I figure calling is too clingy.

Me: Hi, baby. Just wanted to apologize again. I should've trusted you. I DO trust you. I just love you so much... I get scared of losing you. I'm sorry. I heard that you're going out. I hope you have a good time. Please call me after? I understand if you don't want to see me, but please call. I love you. Just wanna hear your voice.

"Bieber! Just because you killed the first half doesn't make you exempt from the second! Let's move!" Christian orders. I start to set my phone back down on the bench just as it vibrates.

Baby girl: I will.

I smile to myself, as I rejoin the team.

She will.

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