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"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind. Not with it"
-Henry Ford

"I'm so glad your mom decided you shouldn't go to South Africa, what would I be without you?"

Chloe said sipping on her caramel flavored Frappuccino.

This is it, after hours of fighting with my parents, Im staying in New York.

I see you're lost, lemme just tell you what happened. My dad wanted me to go to that disgusting country that people call South Africa to teach me about my 'African Roots'

Why dont I want to go?

Uhmm, News Flash! I have a life here, by life I mean that I'm the Queen B of my high school and I have a super hot 17 year old boyfriend *wink wink*

Chloe is also in the picture, she's been there ever since I learned how to raise my hand... which means forever.

I couldn't go because James and I have a future here in New York, we want to have kids and grow old together . I also handed him my virginity in a silver platter.


"Babe, you are spacing out on us again" James said rubbing my back.

He was repeatedly kissing my cheek, I hate it and I love it at the same time.

"Stop it Jay Jay"

"Babe thats annoying"

"Passengers please fasten your seat belts, Flight no. 645 is about to land at the King Shaka International Airport, Durban"

I opened my eyes to see that it was my mother who was tapping my cheek, very harshly I must add.

Then reality striked me like a bus going at 100 miles per hour (if thats even possible)

"Honey, remove your headphones we are about to land"

She couldn't sit still seeing as she was currently jumping on her seat.

"Ma'am, please stop moving," Somebody had to tell her, Give my blessings to that flight attendant.

I forcefully removed my headphones causing my hair to get tangled up with the wires in the process.


"Zip it, or else..." she said shooting me a glare.

My father was peacefully sleeping on the other side of the aisle until the same flight attendant tapped him on the arm

"Brothers and Love" he mumbled whilst rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.

He always does this.

I had my Billabong suitcase in hand and I looked at the sky. The heart of the sun radiating onto my skin. My RayBann shades covering my eyes.

Who knew South Africa had an advanced airport?

"I cant wait to meet her again" my mother said entering the Uber vehicle in front of us.

Wait up, meet who?

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