Chapter 9: I die. Twice

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Chapter 9: I die. Twice

"I'll have what they are having" she said sitting down on the booth. She pinched my cheeks so hard, I'd actually be suprised if I did not look like a tomatoe.

"Hi, I'm not trying to be rude or something b-"

"Don't be silly, I'd love to join you guys for lunch." I love my aunt, she is not embarassing at all, but she has her moments. She acts like my mom.

"Amy, Johnathon andd-" she asked raising her left eyebrow.


She smiled at him and offered him her hand to shake. Her soft drink arrived and she started to play with the straw until the whip cream turned into this 'yucky' liquid which blended in with her drink.

"Owakabani isbongobo mntanam?" (what's your surname)

"Ngowaka Mkhize mama, kade saqala ukuhlala lana"

"That's great, you're a Khabazela. You must be Thembi's son" she said widening her already huge smile. You'd swear that it was forced.

We all just sat in silence watching Sizwe and my aunt talk like old high school friends in a language that we're all not familiar with.

"Where's that oversized tee dude?" I asked Amy. I was starting to get pissed off because my aunt stole all of my shine for the day.

"Oh, he's busy today" she said blushing like a raspberry. What is it with this girl?


"It aas nice hanging out with you guys, we should do it again sometime" my aunt said giving Johnathon and Sizwe a huge bear hug.

Amy and I awkwardly stood next to the car while she was still conversing with the boys.

"I have to go now, bye" she said blowing them a kiss.

"Now its...JUST. US. GIRLS" she said emphasizing each word.

"Can you please drop me off at Amy's" I said turning down the radio. Katy Perry's 'TGIF' was now low and you could faintly make out the song.

Amy was on her phone typing away to God knows who.

"Tell me, how was the sleepover?" my aunt asked. Amy raised her head as soon as she heard the key word, "sleepover".

"Amy and I had so much fun yesterday night, right Amelia?" I asked my teeth were joined together and they were rubbing against each other.

"Yes, I guess" she said going back to her phone. My aunt ignored the topicand continued talking like her normal usual bubbly self.

"Bye girls, as for you." she said pointing at me.

"You will come back tomorrow" she said with no emotion on her face. I nodded ny head too afraid to decline her offer.

"Yes ma'am" I said kissing her cheek.


Amy and I were watching Family Guy when I received a message on my phone.

"Oh my word, you have an Apple iPhone?" she said placing both her hands on top of her head.

I laughed at her reaction and placed all of my focus on the device in front of me.

Kyle: We need to talk, where are you?

Me: You can't just call me when
you feel like it, you played me. R'member?

Kyle: Stop acting like a baby
where are you?

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