Chapter 8: Kyle 2.0

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Chapter 8: Kyle 2.0

"Wake up, we have to go" When I opened my eyes I was a room I was not familiar with, only difference was that I was on the floor and not the bed.

What a gentleman he is.

I was still wearing yesterday's outfit and my hair smelt like vomit. Trust me, I remember everything that happened yesterday night.

I stood up and watched Kyle with my eyebrow raised, he was now sitting on his bed fully clothed and he smelt of deodorant.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked walking over to sit on the bed. He stopped me before I could sit down on his bed.

I didn't think the gentleman-liness could expand.

"You're going to Amy's. I pulled some strings with her, dont ask questions" He said stopping me again before I could speak.

He lead me to a blue shower and handed me grey sweatpants and a wife beater.
"Wear this and meet me down in 10" he said closing the bedroom door behind him

Everything in Kyle's bathroom was on order. From his unopened soap bars to shampoo bottles.

When I came out of the shower, there was a note on the bed, and it read:

Don't sit on my bed if your body is still wet.

Jesus Christ wow, now I feel like one of his cheap girls. I wore the clothes and went down stairs.

"Great, atleast you're breaking the stereotype of girls being slow when they dress"

"I wish I stayed longer"

"What was that?"

"Nothing" I said smiling at him. As soon as I joined him on the couch he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. He took the car keys and wore his Adidas flops.

"We have to go, Amy said you can come" he said closing the door behind him. There is something wrong with him and I can't put my finger on it.

I don't think I did anything wrong.
He started the ignition and we were on out way to Amy's house, radio on full blast to break the silence I guess. Did I do something yesterday?

I slowly turned down the radio and he almost turned it back up. I placed my hand on his and stared at him for a while. His eyes were focused on the road and he was avoiding eye contact.

"What did I do?" I asked him lightly. He changed the gear and before I knew it we were parked in front of Amy's house.

"Get out" he said stretching his body to open the door for me. I gently placed my hand on his cheek, he roughly pushed it away and looked at me. His eyes were angry but his face looked calm.

"Kyle, what did I do?" I asked again. He wasn't giving in, but I was. If he wants it to slowly eat him, its fine.

"Don't tell me you don't remember" he laughed sarcastically. He took my overnight bag from the back seat and handed it to me.

"Its fine, I'll let you blow off some steam" I said kissing his cheek. He rubbed it off with his left hand and continued staring at the empty road ahead of him.

"Cindy you're wasting my time"

The door on the house opposite of me opened and my eyes met with an excited looking Amy.

I closed the door behind me and I ignored the starting of the ignition behind me. The car zoomed away and I was left staring at it, watching Kyle leave with it.

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