Chapter 2: The Green's And Bananas

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Chapter 2: The Green's and Bananas

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" the weird boy asked.

"Hello, I should be asking you that" I shot back. He was scanning my whole body, eye-raping me to be precise.

"Like what you see, why dont you take a picture, it will last longer"I said sarcastically.

He pulled out a small Samsung smartphone and after a few seconds, I was blinded by the front camera flash. "Take a selfie too huh," I said sarcastically. His eyes were filled with amusement.

Aunt Thandeka walked in and looked at the boy, then her eyes landed on me. "THIXO!! SIMAKADE, JABUUU!! Your daughter is doing the deed in my house," She started screaming.

Big fat drama queen.

"Johnathan, is this the toilet wena?" Johnathon? I fought the urge to roll my eyes, stupid adults and asking rhetorical questions

"And wena ntombazane (little girl) , get dressed, after breakfast we are going to the Riverside Mall, Johnny Boy can tag along" she said and closed the door behind her.

Just as I started breathing, the door opened and her face appeared "Johnny, what are you still doing here, come down to the living room,"


I checked myself in the mirror as I applied one coat of pink lip gloss. My shoulder length curls were all over the place, it was pretty hard to put them in a ponytail. I wore the sundress Chloé bought for me at Macy's as a Christmas present. I slipped on my grey pumps and made my way downstairs.

I could here plates clicking and talking. As I got closer, the noise was getting louder followed by complete silence.

Everyone looked at me, there were two strangers sitting on the dining room table, and between them was Johnathan. Opposite them was my mom, dad and an empty chair in between. Aunt Thandeka was sitting at the head chair seeing as this was her house (internal eye roll)

The two strangers stood up, both are women. "You must be Cindy," one of them spoke up.

I've been hearing that a lot now.

The woman had a short bob and dark black hair. She was pretty tall, and she was dressed in formal clothes. She gave me her hand to shake, but instead, I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

She looks interesting.

"Woah, easy tiger," she said, with a full grin on her face. "I am Johnny Boy's mother, I work at Bang Productions, one of the biggest companies in S.A" she said proudly.

The woman beside her spoke up, "I am Mommy number 2 ,John's Aunt, we are your neighbors," She looked uninterested, like she had better things to than sit and have breakfast with us.
She was the exact opposite of John's mother. She had long blonde hair, a dress that's two sizes smaller then her and 6" heels.

"You can leave," I said straight away. "What?" she said. "You can le-" she stopped me halfway through my sentence "I am not going to tolerate this nonsense from a spoilt American brat," she said. "Says the woman who looks like she works at Joe's night club" I shot back.

Silence filled the room. My parents and my aunt were looking at me with disappointment and the neighbors looked shocked and amused. Malibu Barbie was turning red "You clearly don't want to be here, go back to the circus, I heard their elephant has gone missing" I said proudly.

"CINDY GRACE WHITEMAN!" dad roared "Your room, Now!"

I grabbed a banana before storming off to my room.

Breathe Cindy
Remember, Nobody Cares
Nobody loves you more than yourself

I decided to give Chloé a call, I promised her I would.

The phone went straight to voicemail. I sent her a DM telling her to answer her calls and she didn't reply.

I placed my head on the pillow and screamed loudly.

There was a knock on the door and Aunt Thandeka's face appeared on the door
"Isn't she a witch, come on now. Meet me outside I will be backing out the car" she said before closing the door behind her.

When I walked down the door, I noticed that my parents were not there but Johnathon was watching a show called "The Voice South Africa"

"Come on stupid, lets get movin" I said. "So you want me there?" He asked, his eyes lighting up. "No, I need you there. Its not like I know what colour uniform to buy," I said rolling my eyes.

He switched off the television and dusted imaginary dust off his black jeans.

He was wearing a simple white top and black Vans with his black skinny jeans. He fixed his glasses and said "Let's go"

Johnathon locked the door behind us and walked down the pathway to the car

"SHOTGUN," I said rushing to the front seat of my aunt's white Toyota Corolla.

She was listening to some boring music which made no sense at all.

"Amen Pastor Sompisi," she said punching the poor steering wheel.

"Our first stop is Scholars 24/7, we will buy your stationery etc. and head off to the grocery store. The last stop is Phindi's salon where you will be getting your makeover," she said.

My aunt parked the vehicle at the Riverside mall. It was huge.

I was still not used to cars driving on the left side of the road. I felt like I was on the wrong side of the seat.

After hours of arguing and bickering we left the mall with a lot of shopping bags. Johnathon loaded them in the bonnet and I let him sit on the front seat just for now.

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