Bonus Chapter #1

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Bonus Chapter #1 (please read Author's Note at the end of chapter)

"Phone Chloe right now and tell her we'll meet at Froy's" I said to Becky who was carrying my school bag and my phone.

She wanted me to train her, this is exactly how I welcomed people to my group. We walked to my red Audi RS3 and she sat on the passanger seat.

School ended an hour ago and I had cheer practice right now. Becky Grey volunteered to be my 'personal assistant' so she can have a taste of my life and be my shadow.

Being the kind person that I am, I allowed her.

Just as I was about to back out of the school's parking lot, there was a knock on my window and I turned around to see that it was my boyfriend, James Parker.

I opened my window and watched him as he leaned against the window. He came closer to me and pulled me into a panty-dropping kiss.

"I was in the neighbourhood and I decided to check on my amazing caramel Barbie" he said giving me another kiss.

"Babbeee" I sulked as he pulled away. He laughed revealing his perfect white teeth. This is my man.

"I'm with the boys so I'll be going now" he said blowing me a kiss and backing away from my window.

"No, come with me to the mall. I'll ditch Chloe, we can meet up tomorrow" I said groaning.

"I can't babe, were going to study with the gents. I know that if I leave study session to come and study with you we don't be doing any studying" he said with a smirk on his face.

I wanted to wipe it off with a kiss.

"Bye. I love you" I said putting the gear on reverse"

"Bye baby, I'll come to your house tonight. I remember you telling me about your parents not being there and stuff" I watched his body walk away as he entered his big black Jeep Wrangler and rolled down his window.


"You are late, AS ALWAYS" Chloe said crossing her legs, making the leather miniskirt she was wearing rise up revealing a gorgeous set of legs.

"It's called being 'fashionably late' babe, and I was with my honey boo so it doesnt count" I said remembering the pact we made.

If one of us is late, you have to buy the other one food for a week, not that we can't afford it.

"Someone's in a good mood. I assume you're going to get laid tonight" she said winking at me as she pulled her sunglasses up.

I had changed into a red miniskirt with a white vest in the school gym after practice because I can not be seen with shorts at the mall, I still had dignity.

"No, nobody said anything about getting laid." I said unable to speak because Becky was breathing in my ears.

"Here's a $50 note, be back by 16:40 in the car and if you're not there I'll leave you" I said with a very stern expression and voice.

"You're too hard on the girl" Chloe said as he watched her walking away, more like scurrying.

"I'm actually being kind. If she wasn't under my wing we both know that Felicia and her crew would have bullied her. I mean, look at her" I said as we both watched her retreating figure.

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