Chapter 6 : Not So White Lie

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Chapter 6: Not So White Lie

"Where were you? I almost called your mother thinking that you took the next plane to America" she said rubbing circles on her forehead.

There was an opened bottle of alcohol on the kitchen counter.

Wait when did she come back? Is she drunk?

I stepped closer to her and her breathe really did smell like alcohol. She was breathing heavily with teary eyes.

She pulled me on to her chest and caressed my hair. She carefully placed her hand on my cheek like I was a new born baby.

"I can't help but think about this.." she said rubbing her eyes.

Where is she going with this?

"I love you okay?" I quickly nodded my head afraid of what she might do next

She grabbed her bottle on the counter top and walked up the stairs holding the wall for balance.

I placed some crackers on a plate and walked to her bedroom. When I opened the door she had her thumb placed on her mouth. I guess I better get used to this.

Her wardrobe was full of different colored blankets and I placed one on her body. She'll be fine in the morning, the crackers will help with the hangover.

"I saw the crackers yoy left me-" Tee said walking down the steps, cutting jer sentence short.

I woke up 50 minutes before he so I could make her breakfast. Toast with honey, more crackers, eggs and some H2O. She'll be better in no time.

Don't ask me how I know these stuff. 

She walked over to me and gave me a tight hug. Her breathe still smelled of cheap alcohol. Guess somebody didnt brush their teeth.

"Thank you so much, How did-"

I placed my finger on her lips signalling her to stop talking. Her hair looked like a bird's nest but she still looks fabulous.

"Viola madame, Bon Appétit" I said walking to the television and changed to her favorite channel.

Local Gospel Music. 

"Mhmm" she moaned in delight. Her eyes were closed and she was licking the honey off her toast.

"Where did you learn how to make this?" she asked placing the fork and knife on the halfway completed meal.

I couldn't tell her mom sometimes get drunk now. 

"I watch a lot of show on t-the television" I said with a big fake smile on my face.

She twinned my expression and continued eating.

"I'll just head up to my bedroom and take a shower" I said

"Be quick, we're going somewhere" She rubbed the grease off her mouth and placed the plate on the kitchen sink.

I walked to my bedroom and took a quick shower. This time I was not planning on listening to any Beyoncé album because a certain "someone" might come strolling in.

I haven't called Johnathon and I'm starting to feel guilty. The least I could do is invite him to this party we're attending.

"Cindy, I'm leaving you" The sound of my aunts knuckles banging on the door awoke me from my daydream

"2 minutes" I yelled closing the water behind me. I dried my body as fast as I could and mosturized my body with the new "Oh So Heavenly" Body moisturizer my aunt bought me.

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