Chapter 10: Cinderella

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Chapter 10: Cinderella

"Where are you coming from?" Amy asked, she was sitting on the couch with books in front of her.

"I was out" I said dumping my coat on the couch. I sat down next to her and layed my head on her shoulder.

oh ohhw. Mission abort.

I quickly pulled my head back and straightened my neck. I know I can't treat her like this but I'm a heterosexual and I'm kind of against this 'lesbian' shazam.

"It was a one time thing, no need to be afraid of me" she said pulling her hair back and putting up into a messy ponytail.

How I wish I had hair like that.

I'm not afraid of you" I lied. Of course I am, just as much as boys hate gay people. I also hate lesbians. She is a threat to me.

"Stop lying" she said placing her books in her bag. I heard a knock on the door and I sat down and closed my legs like the good girl I am.

Amy brushed the tears off her eyes and walked to the door. She stood at the door for a long time and I wanted to rise from my seat and go check who she was talking to.

I could make out Kyle's beanie and he had his hand over his head. Amy was casually leaning against the door.

When she closed the door, I quickly ran to the sofa and tried to act as casual as I could, which meant counting all the beads on the dining room table cloth.

"Here's your phone" she said throwing it from where she was. I caught it and placed my baby on my chest. I couldn't even say 'thank you' to Kyle.

"Where is he?" I asked. If only I could see him one more time. I feel like I've known him forever. Well he's not dead, tomorrow is another day.

"Gone" she simply said and sat on the couch opposite of me. She placed a textbook on her laps and pretended to read. Her eyebrows were not furrowed and that is how I know.

"Are you mad me?"

"Is there a reason I should be mad at you?" she asked. Her eyes still on the textbook. I don't think I'll be able to spend my night here, it's going to be awkward.

I shook my head and kept my eyes on the television in front of me.

My stomach growled and I looked at Amelia with pleading eyes.

Would you give the black girl some food!

"There's cold pizza in the fridge. You can warm it up and you'll find a side plate in the cupboard. Bring all of that here" she commanded. Woah! Church girl got it in her.

I walked to the fridge and my eyes met with a huge box of pizza in the box. When I opened it, I saw that there were 6 slices of pizza out of 8.

"When are your parents coming back?" I asked while warming up the pizza in the microwave.

"Tomorrow, in the afternoon" she said. I placed the two plates and the pizza box in front of us after warming up the pizza.

Amy placed the huge textbooks on the table and looked at me in the eye. I didn't know whether I should look away or continue staring.

"Let's eat" I said opening the pizza box in front of me


"Get up" Amy said shaking my fragile body. Of course I'm fragile, I had a very hectic night.

I could feel Bieber's eyes on my face. I cant stand being in the same room with his posters all over.

"Your aunt will be here in 10 minutes"

"Whats the time?"


She'd murder me, wake me up from the dead with her voodoo magic and make me commit suicide in front of her eyes if she heard that I woke up this late.

I blame this on Amy, you see, I'm a very good child. I'm not the one who 'overdosed' on pizza and Coke, and I'm definelty not the one who told her to stay up till midnight so we can watch horror movies.

"This is all your fault" I said turning the tables. I quickly ran out of her room in search of a bathroom.

"Oh Good! Blame it on me" she screamed from her bedroom.

I walked down the stairs after putting on one of Amy's t-shirts with Justin Bieber's huge head printed on it

She was sitting in front of the television eating breakfast. There were two dishes in front of her and I was assuming that one of them was mine.

Bacon and garlic bread were neatly placed on the plate with two boiled eggs. I  can already tell that being a chef is not an option for our young Amelia.

"Eat up! Your aunt must be on her way"

"I'm trying, I just dont have a huge appetite"

"When is our next sleepover?" she asked.

I'm not used to boring people like Amy, I'm used to the fun life, people like Kyle. I want to feel the rush when I'm with my friends, get in to some trouble with the law and Amy is not that person...unless I can convert her.

"How about you come over to my house next time?"

"Really, that'd be great" she said, excitement evident in her face.

"I charged your phone" she said handing it back to me. I had a few notifications which I would check later on.

"Thank you" I said giving her a hug. She is not that bad but she still needs polishing--personality wise, but that is what Mamma Cindy is here for.

I opened the door and met with the warm air outside. My aunt's Corolla was parked outside.

"How was the stay?" She asked me sincerely.

"I kind of enjoyed it" I blushed while thinking about Kyle.

DZAMM...just updated for sake of updating. But the next chapter is gonna be lit ☺

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