Chapter 20: The Agreement

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Thandeka's POV

October 15 2001

George was not answering his calls. I felt stupid for thinking that he would be here with me, as I give birth to my girl...our girl

We had so many plans together after the childbirth. He promised to look after us, he named her Cindy, after the famous actress.

They had taken Cindy away from me after hours of being in labour. I already knew that she's the best thing that has happened to me this year.

I had the nurses call my brother a couple of minutes after I gave birth, something about me needing a close relative since I was too young

I was 14 years old but I don't think I was scared. Sure it was a stupid decision to get pregnant at such a young age and I really wanted to get rid of it but thinking back to that right now makes me want to bang my head against a wall and punch myself repeatedly.

A female nurse, called Sister Ntombinkulu Mqadi had given me a lecture of teenage pregnancy and I also recieved a whole lot of disapproving stares.

My brother walked into my ward which I shared with woman who were way older then me and looked way more experienced in this.

"Oh, My father's little one " he said as he looked at my state. He had forced his way in after the nurses strictly told him that he had to wait a couple more hours to come in and see me.

He played the card that he always uses in situations like this "My father's the chief of this village, and I don't think he would like to hear how you're speaking to his son...the next king in line"

"Hi" I said looking at him guilty. He had a plastic bag full of all my favourite treats which included amahhewu and amaasi to give me back all of the energy I had lost.

"I didn't expect this from you. I'm still shocked" he said shaking his head as he walked towards the window of the small clinic.

"Well judging me won't turn back the hands of time" I said as I grabbed the plastic bag which he placed on the small desk next to me.

The room was pretty empty since it was bath time and everyone was taking a shower.

"Where is it?" My brother asked as he scanned the room. He had his hands on his denim jean and he was wearing his favourite Allstate leather jacket which his white girlfriend bought for him.

"It has a name, and her name is Cindy" I said taking out a small bottle of milk to drink along with my pills.

He sat down on the chair next to me just as Laura Whiteman came in through the door. Her blonde hair was cut into a bob.

She came next to me and gave me a small pat on my shoulder.

"How was it?" She asked as she stared at me curiously. My brother and Laura found out a  few weeks ago that they couldn't have children together.

"Its unexplainable really, I just feel drained like there's an elephant lying on my body. The anesthetics they gave me are not strong enough" I said as I took a sip of the full cream milk. 

"Thandeka, we need to talk. We have a plan" Laura said looking at Jabu as she started the conversation. 

Jabu grabbed a stool and closed the door behind us as he took a seat next to Laura. They both held hands and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Thandeka we think it's best if you give us the baby, we're both old enough to look after a baby and  I have a job" Jabu said looking away, too afraid to look at me in the eye.

"No, I can't do that. What will George say?" I said.

"George said he doesn't want to be a apart of this baby's life. He moved to Australia last night with his parents" he said sadly.

I started screaming and I threw the bottle of milk at the door. George can't do that to me, my brother can't do that to me too. Cindy is the only thing I have. She's the only thing I can call mine, the only connection I have to George, he will come back...he has to

I heard a soft knock on the door and I saw Laura stand up to talk to whoever was behind it.

"Look Thandeka" she said as she tried to hold my hand. I pulled it back and I saw a pang of hurt in her eyes.

"We're doing this for you, please think about it. There is no way that mom and dad will allow you continue living under the royal house after this huge... mess you created"

I closed my eyes as I thought of me and Cindy alone in the street.

"Thandeka we will send you money every month, to look after yourself and to continue with high school. You can go to boarding school, one of the top schools in the country and do that teaching course you always wanted to do" Laura said as she tried to reason with me.

"You will see the baby, please Thandeka. We're doing this for you" They said.

I stared at them for what seemed to be a couple of hours but it was only a  minutes. As long as I have a say and can see my daughter every holidays, it's okay I think I can do it

"Okay" I said. They both hugged in front of me as Laura started crying and taking out some paperwork from her bag.

"Here, just sign this. These are the adoption papers. We'll take great care of Cindy I promise" she said as she removed the pen in her bag with tears of joy in her eyes.

I quickly flipped the contract to the last page and initialed it with my details and gave it back to them with tears in my eyes.

"You will not regret this" they said as they hugged each other one more time. They called the nurse and asked to see the baby while I made my way to the showers. I didn't want to see them bonding with the baby, I didn't even want to look at her in the eye. It will break me.

When I came back from the showers I saw a small note next to the plastic bag they left with my Jennifer Lopez CD

Dear Thandeka Zulu

Well, we love you alot but we had to do this believe me. We are going away for a while, with our baby. Cindy. We might come back after a couple of months, Years or maybe never...

I'm sorry but we knew you wouldn't have allowed us to. We're going to give her a bright future. You definetly won't regret it.

Laura and Jabu

My heart just sunk right at the bottom of my feet.

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