Chapter 7: SpongeBob Has Measles

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Chapter 7: SpongeBob has Measles

I'm feeling so nervous about today. I don't even have money, just my credit card. My aunt is downstairs watching the daily soapies.

I'm wearing a big black coat that is just below my knees to hide the outfit I have underneath.

Kyle is going to pick me up and I don't want my aunt to see him. I threw my overnight bag out of the window so I can take it when I exited through the door.

"Cindy, is that you?" my aunt knocked on the door roughly.

"Yeah, I'm still here" I said. I feel like I have a big lump on my throat, it was getting harder and harder to lie to my aunt.

"Let me go and check on th-" her sentence was cut short by my singing.

"Lalala laaaa laaa" I screeched like a dying dolphin. My heart race was increasing and the door knob was turning.

"I'm naked" I warned her hoping she will go back to the living room. The door knob rose again and I heard her footseps going down the stairs.

Kyle: I'm outside, in front of the driveway

Me: switch off the lights so she won't be able to make out your face.

I rushed down the stairs and kissed my aunt goodbye, just as I was about to open the door she stopped me.

"What is this that you're wearing?" I chuckled lightly.

"This old thing" I said brushing its sleeves. If i didnt come up with a lie now, I won't leave through that door.

"It was my mom's, during her days. You do know that grandad chased her out because.." I said with fake tears on my eyes.

I got this thing at the thrift shop for $2.

"Ok, do you want me to meet Amy's parents?" she aksed, hope rising within her. I shook my head so fast I swear they were stars above my head.

"Bye again, I'll be back tomorrow" I said closing the door behind me. I inhaled deeply and walked over the lawn to fetch my bag.

The lights in the house were off and I dont know if my aunt was looking at us through the window. I sat in the back seat just incase, you'll never know with her.

"Hi" Kyle said starting the ignition. He was wearing blue jeans and a leather jacket on top. The hair on the side of his fade was starting to grow but he still looked good.

I greeted him back and jumped to the front seat. 'Night Changes' by One Direction started playing and Kyle changed the station.

"I'm not a fan of this" he said scratching his neck. The Black Kia Picanto zoomed past the town of Riverside. We exited the freeway and I was now starting to feel guilty.

"Why are you so quiet?" Kyle asked me. He instantly switched off the radio and looked at me for a second while the robot was red.

"I'm just nervous" I said rubbing my bare thigh. The coat was now in the backseat and I was left with a short silver cocktail dress.

"My friends will like you, I swear" he said squeezing my cheek. He handed me a water bottle and continued driving.

"Take this, you'll be fine" he said. I don't know Kyle a lot but I trust him. He's nothing like James- I'm sure of that.

"What is this?" I asked. I placed the blue water bottle on my nose and it smelt strong as eff. I opened the lid and hesitantly placed the bottle on my mouth.

I lifted the bottle and the liquid was getting closer to my mouth. The liquid burnt my throat and went down to my stomach.

I'll never get tired of that feeling .

"That face you're making" Kyle said. He was chuckling softly and I now saw that the car had come to a stop in front of a huge house.

The door next to me opened and Kyle offered me his hand. I took it and he placed it on my lower back when we entered the building.

"By the way, you look gorgeous tonight"

Why does a black boy like Kyle get so much freedom, do his parents tolerate all of this?

I blushed at the small compliment and I layed my head on his shoulder.

He kissed my cheek and continued walking me in. We could hear 'Martin Garrix's Animals' from outside and the sound of teengaers making noise.

There were just a few number of people inside the house and the hostess was standing next to the door.

"Hi Kyle and...?"

"Cindy" she offered me a fake smile and shook my hand. Alonde had silky hair and brown skin. She was wearing a pair of Jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kyle here has told me so much about you" She said extending her smile when she looked at Kyle. He had a smirk on face .

"Well that's a pity because he never talks about you" I said walking away.

Take That sucker!!

I The house had butterfly lights hanging from the ceiling. I didn't know more then half of the people in this room.

3 hours later...

I don't know where my shoes are but I'm having the time of my life. I'm sitting on top of a table and all of the teenagers were surrounding me.

I don't even know how many drinks I've had, who cares. I'm Young, wild and freeeeee.

"Are you ready kids?" I screamed out loud to all the people surrounding me. The Dj had now turned off the music and Alonde disappeared with Kyle to- I don't know.

"Aye-Aye Captin" the crowd screamed back. I was now standing on the table so I could get a better view of them.

"I can't hear you!" I said cupping my hand behind my ear.

"Aye-Aye Captain" They said with more enthusiasm.

"Ohhhhhh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

"SpongeBob Square Pants!" they started clapping their hands and I was now starting to feel like the boss.

"Absorbent and Yellow and Porous is he" wait a minute, SpongeBob has Measles, but who cares?

"SpongeBob Square Pants" I was now jumping on top of the table with no care in the world

This has to be the best day of my life.

"If nautical nonsense be something you wish..."

"SpongeBob Square Pants" Kyle came down the wooden stairs and saw the crowd that has now gathered around me.

"Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish"

"SpongeBob Square Pants!"

"Ready?" My feet were stomping the table and Kyle was trying to get through the small crowd. He was standing on the front and he was trying to pull my leg. I stomped on his hand and continued with my act.

I will not let the devil ruin my night.

"SpongeBob Square Pants! SpongeBob Square Pants! SpongeBob....SquarePants"

Everyone started cheering and clappimg for me.  I bowed down and when I rose back up, my head started spinning. The voices around me were getting smaller and the last thing I saw was Kyle's face.

Just like that...I fell down on the floor surrounded by my own vomit.

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