Chapter 16: Hangovers And Outdated Letters

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Chapter 16: Hangovers And Outdated Letters

I walked into my house a couple of hours later after Samantha threatened to call the police if I don't go home.

How welcoming she is

The lights were out and I slowly tip toed to my room with my bag on my back. I walked here on my own because Kyle said he was a bit too busy and tipsy to walk me back here.

The clock on the wall read 03:45 and I'm actually quite glad it was a Sunday. I ain't going to church today.

"Where were you?" My aunt asked sitting at the top of the staircase

"Out" I said brushing against her as I walked up to my room. I could feel her figure rising up from the steps as she followed me but I quickly entered my room and shut the door before.

"Cindy Grace, I thought we were going somehwere" she said knocking on my door very violently.

I sighed as I plopped myself on my bed not before removing my outfit and wearing a silk gown to bed.

Yes, sue me now

"That's the problem, you thought "I said loudly so she could here.

You can't just make assumptions. Assume that everything is golden.

I heard her sigh behind the door as  she walked away. Just as I was getting comfortable inside my bed something made me run to the toilet and release a very disgusting discharge through my mouth.

My heart sank right to the bottom of my stomach. I pulled my hair up in a pony tail and another discharge which shall not be described exited my mouth.

A few hours later...

"You have mail- Why aren't you dressed in your church attire?" My aunt said barging into my room

"I'm not going" I said pulling the covers over my body. She sighed as she rubbed her temple.

"I left your mail on the dinning room table if you ever plan on leaving that bed" she said sighing and closing the door behind her. A few minutes later I felt her car start and saw it back out of the driveway through my bedroom window.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear a pair of ripped jeans and an off the shoulder pink shirt. I decided to wear my Vans and I made my way downstairs.

The house was deadly silent, Thandeka didn't even listen to the daily news on the radio today. The letters were scattered all over the table, all of them with different addresses, but there was one that caught my eye.

1865 Hampton Street
New York

I opened the letter which was from my old address.

Dear Cindy Grace

My daughter, I'm sorry I said those pretty harsh words to you. I didn't mean it. I know that letters are pretty outdated but I also know that if I tried to call you, You would have ignored my calls.

I love You, hope you enjoyed your first day at school


I tore the paper into half and scrunched it up. It ended up in the bin because that's where it belongs.

The next letter was from my boyfriend , yeah that's right- it's okay to call him that, we never broke up after all.

Dear Cindy "Cee" Grace

Hey love. I miss you, why haven't you tried to call me yet. I sent you a couple of emails. I'm flying to SA, first class babe. I'll be there at about 10:00. Id love if you could come and  well- fetch me. I love you a million babe.


I checked the time on the wall and I was surprised to see that it was 09:45. Holy flapjacks, mother of all chestnuts in the dessert.

I could always move to Mexico, change my name to Rosa Jon-Lee Hernandez, and sell potatoes...okay it's okay for me to add a joke here in there when situations are this serious.

Okay, I already took a bath so there was no need to stress the fuck out.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

I don't think it would be awkward to call Kyle at a situation like this, he's the only way out.

The door knob slowly turned it brought myself back to reality. My aunt looked at me like she was trying to read a map.

"Are you okay?" She asked with her eyebrows creased. I was about to nod my head but I decided against it. I did need a favour from her after all

"Uhm, myboyfriendisattheairportandheneedsaridehere"

"I'm sorry but I don't speak Gibberish.  Could you say that in English"

"My boyfriend is at the airport and he needs a ride here" I said at a more slower pace. I started rubbing my wet hands against my thighs because I was nervous.

I mean, I said a lot of mean things to her but she's an aunt. She has to understand that I'm a teenager and well- I say a lot of things I don't mean.

"Okay, get in the car" she said politely I looked at her in disbelief but I obeyed her command and quickly entered the passenger seat.

She appeared next to me and started the car.

"Tell me about him" she said backing away from the driveway. I'd be lying if I said that this is not awkward from the very start. Having this talk with your aunt is not really something I had seen myself doing - having an aunt too.

"He's kind. He's a gentleman, he's also possesive. He has blonde hair, green eyes. He loves home cooked meals..."

"But then what about Kyle?"


"Word gets around very quickly. I had a talk with his father yesterday, and don't think I'm not that oblivious. I was once a teenager" she said rolling her eyes. Just Wow, I was actually out of words.

"You don't love James, neither do you love Kyle. You don't have that look, that glow. You're just fooling around with them, but I will wait for you to figure it all out in due time" she said.

I didn't realize that we were now parked at the airport. She locked the car and we waited for James under a huge sign with the words "Pick Up Zone" on it. I spotted him in less then a minute.

His blond hair was now black. He was wearing black jeans and a vest and he had a suitcase on his hand.

I took baby steps towards him, forgetting about my Aunt who was behind me

"Cee" he said grinning

Merry Christmas. Double update for all you lovies who actually read my book. Love you 😋😘1 700 reads 💃💃

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