Chapter 1: Katy Perry And Crazy Aunts

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[Amazing Trailer above made by
onegoodauthor God bless her soul 😍😘Thanks again]

Chapter 1: Katy Perry And Crazy Aunts

"Honey, she is a teenage girl, she mustn't go to a boarding school," my Mom said, trying to convince my hard-headed father for the thousandth time.

We were in an Uber vehicle on our way to our new apartment with some boring country music.

The driver kept stealing glances at Mom and I in the backseat.

"Laura, back in my days, girls and boys were seperated. You do know that they created boarding schools for a reason,"

This is getting OLD. They never agree to anything. I feel like I'm in the middle of two puppies fighting for the last bone.

"Lets just clear this mess up and come to a conclusion. Dad, I'm going to a public school,"

"Thank you honey," mom commented.

I placed my headphones back in my ears, proudly designed by Dr. Dre

The perks of having rich parents.

"I use to bite my tounge and hold my breathe
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So, I sat quietly
Agreed politely"

"I GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGER-" I sang aloud. "Cindy will you keep it down, now is our family bonding time," Dad said. "Yes master."

The scenery outside the window was eye-catching . The trees were a beautiful shade of green

"Jabu, dont you think we should go to that old restaurant we use to sneak to 27 years ago" Mom said, shooting a wink at my Dad.

"Laura, those were days. We should take our Grace there" he said from the front seat "But today, It is our day"

The vehicle came to a stop and the driver just stared at my dad, I'm pretty sure he wanted to get paid.

"Mfowakithi, here is a R200.00, you can keep the change" My Dad said, removing a red/orange note from his leather wallet.


The vehicle zoomed away without even a faint 'thank you' or even a 'goodbye'.

The house in front of me was not what I imagined it to be, the grass is long and uneven, the door is rusty and the paint is starting to wear off.

A women with red high heels and a thousand coats of lipstick walked out of the house, she ran towards my parents and gave them a tight hug. I just watched in fascination.

She was wearing a 'Ginger Mary' dress, must be some local design. She fixed her dark black hair and walked towards me.

"You must be Cindy," I fought the urge to roll my eyes, who else could I be, Donald Trump?

I looked at my parents who were still standing on the doorway with a look that screamed 'help me'.

"Yes, I am," I said.

Before I even had time to register what was happening, I was pulled into a hug so tight I think my body organs got rearranged.

"I'm your Aunt, Thandeka," Sigh. "You will be staying with me for the whole term," What? "BULL SH-" "Cindy," my mom warned me "This is not how I raised you,"

Aunt Thandeka glared at me, "Lets get inside and have a cup of coffee," she said "


"You were so shell," Aunt Thandeka said. "Remember that one time when you got bubblegum stuck in the white lady's vehicle, mom almost murdered you,"

There you have it, everyone was having fun and talking about all the fun times while I just stared at Aunt Thandeka. She looks familiar, whenever she talks to my dad, she looks at him with love and adoration.

I wish I had a sibling.

I dragged my feet against the cold tiles, on my way to the kitchen. I opened the Samsung fridge to find absolute rubbish : lettuce and 2lt Coke bottles filled with a brownish liquid.

I heard footsteps behind me and I turned back to see my aunt looking at me, her eyes full of disapproval. "Tomorrow, you are getting a makeover, and you are going to fix that spoilt brat attitude of yours," she said. "I've dealt with your kind before,"

From the lack of knowledge I have about Aunt Thandeka, I know that she has no children.

I looked at her without replying back because I know, we are going to end up in a massive argument. She acts like my mom.

I found mom and Dad in the dining room watching an old black and white film and I told them that I'm off to bed
"Sleep tight honey, I will come and have a talk with you"

A couple of hours later, I'm stuck in this very same room with unpacked cardboard boxes and a small in-suite, nothing special about it.

I switched on my phone and saw the number of notifications I got from my friends. I didn't bother reading them. I only replied to Cholé's

CEE: You cant leave me, you left without telling anyone, thats rude.
CEE: If you are trying to ignore me, you are doing a pretty great job at it.
CEE: Call me. K :(

Me: I'm sorry boo, I'll explain everything tomorrow, its now 21:03 in S.A and I'm pretty sure its still 14:03 in New York, bishh lemme get my beauty sleep. No wild animals so far *wink wink*

I tried waiting for mom, but she was taking her own sweet time. I thought about all the times we shared with Chloé, our parents are best friends. We grew up together.

Friends for 16 damn years of my life

I gave up trying to wait for my mother and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

Rainbows And Unicorns


I groaned loudly as I felt pain on my body. My aunt was continously hitting me with a pillow AND SHE WAS ENJOYING IT!

"Wake up, the neighbors are here for breakfast," she said. "I checked the time on my phone to see that it was still 06:12

Who on the world wakes up this early during the school holidays on a Tuesday morning? You guessed it right ladies and gentleman.


"Go have a shower and change into something presentable, you look like a human sized rat from Alex" she said before leaving my room.

Stupid Aunt. Stupid country. Stupid Dad. Stupid shower. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

I listened to my playlist which was Beyonce's Lemonade Album as I was taking a shower.

Just as I opened the door with my towel wrapped around my body, I saw a teenage boy with golden brown hair sitting on my bed. He's back was faced towards me and from what I could make out, he was sniffing my bra.

I did what any girl would do



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