Chapter 3: New Looks And Absent Parents

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Chapter 3: New Looks And Absent Parents

"You look beautiful sweetheart" my aunt said complimenting me first. The huge mirror in front of me was removed and I gasped at the sight of the person staring back at me from the  mirror. 

My hair has been braided with extensions so I could get the results of some thick conrows. My skin was swollen and God knows how I'm going to walk with this heavy load on my head.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it" I said giving Phindi a hug before I waited for my aunt by the counter so she could pay.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked Johnathon. He was looking at me with his mouth slightly opened which resulted in me chuckling.

"You look beautiful" he said, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red.

"Thanks" I said looking at my feet. I suddenly noticed how I haven't washed my Converse for the past couple of months.

"Let's go babies" my aunt said holding our hands as she positioned herself in the middle and walked us to the car.

"Why did you come here, I mean, as cliche as it sounds. People don't just wake up and decide to go and live with their aunt on the other side of the world. There has to be a background story, something or someone -"

"Johnathon, you are sticking your nose where it doesn't belong" my aunt said quietly. Her hands were gripping the steering wheel as she looked at the road ahead of her.

"I mean, I'm just curious that's all. Tell me Cindy, a family matter maybe, friends, an ex..."

"Johnathan that's enough" my aunt said slamming the steering wheel which caused the car to release a hoot.

He shrugged in annoyance and stared out the window. I don't have a past that haunts me actually, I just came here to 'visit' that's the key word isn't it.

"Cindy, what do you feel like eating?" My aunt asked me. I looked at her and rolled my eyes

"Anything that tastes good is fine. Its not like I know any fast food places here" I said.

"You're addressing an elder. Speak more properly" she said giving me a sideway glance.

The tension got thicker as we exited the car and entered a restaurant with the the bold words 'Tiagos' on the top.

The restaurant had a red theme. They were a lot of booths and tables reserved for Two and even Four people. I walked ahead of both my aunt and Johnathon so I can pick a seat at the corner of a booth.

"Go and settle down you two, I'll be back now" she said leaving us with three menus on the table. Her voice was heard from a great distance as she greeted a few people ahead of us

"Hi, I'm Sethu and I will be your today. We have today's special which is-"

"Give me three of those and I'll have a Coke" I said cutting her off and giving her a sarcastic smile. 

"You sir, what will you have to drink?" She asked giving him a more real smile.

"I'll have a chocolate milkshake, the regular size and can I have a mango juice" Johnathon said sending her a warm smile. I shoo'ed her away in a very ill manner.

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