Chapter 14: Barbie Headaches and Important Dates

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Chapter 14: Barbie Headaches and Important Dates

Its 05:00am and I have that headache, I'm sure you don't even know what the hell I'm talking about. You know the type of headache you  get when you listen to Barbie talk on the television for too long, or when you stare at something pink.

That's the type of headache I have.

Kyle gave me a list of rules over the phone on how I should behave now that I'm his girlfriend. The conversation started at about 20:00 and he finally ran out of what he said was 'airtime' at about 02:00 in the morning.


It's still early so I could just take a quick nap and wake up at 08:00. As soon I started to drift off to sleep, my aunt walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't wait to see my babies today" she said pulling the covers off my body.

What is it with people in this country?

"Which babies are you talking about, and why do those 'babies' involve me?"

She rolled her eyes and helped me up the bed not before placing her hand on my forehead.

"I knew you were sick" she giggled. I looked at her weirdly. What in the world is happening to me?

"Go and take a bath and join me for breakfast downstairs. I made soft porridge" she said clapping her hands excitedly. She fixed the white towel that was wrapped around her body and walked out of my room, leaving the door opened

I honestly hate it when people do that.

I was so confused at the moment, but I did as I was told and I took a quick shower. I walked downstairs with a light robe around my body.

My aunt was watching the news with a bowl of porridge in front of her.

"I dished up for you, why aren't you dressed?" She asked

"What is going on?" I asked confused

"Its a Monday and you're going to school" she said rolling her eyes.

Oh my word. Oh my word. Oh my word.
I didn't, I forgot. I- my mom. I felt the corners of my eyes sting.

I'm not going to cry, hell no.

I rushed up the stairs and slammed the door behind me. I opened my phone to see one new message from my dad.

SuperDad 👑: Good luck with your first day

He remembered.

I wiped my eyes and applied lip gloss on my lips. The smell of new clothes filled my nose when I opened the shopping bag filled with my new stationery and my uniform.

"Cindy, there's no time for porridge now, I have to go" I checked my watch to see that it was still 06:30. WOMAN.

"I'll be down in a second" I said rolling my eyes again. I placed my hair in a tight bun and wore the grey pants that were required. The pants were tight around my waist and it brought out all the curves I didn't know I had. I wore a white golf shirt on top with the words 'L'éducation est la clé du succès' printed under a gold key on the left side of my chest.

I walked down the stairs not before wearing my black school shoes and locking my door. My aunt was waiting by the door with her phone in her hand, ready to take a photo of me.

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