Chapter 19: Meet The 'Friend'

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It's hard to live in a blind or aimless or dishonest, rather narrative when somebody in your family is  going father toward -or atleat think they are and say they are- their true self

-Gabby Hoffmann

Chapter 19: Meet The 'Friend'

I didn't know time could fly this fast. It was again a Friday afternoon and I didn't even get the chance to fix things with Jonathon. His friends went from greeting me in the hallways to totally ignoring, I even look like a fool when I try to converse with them in one of the classes we share.

I guess I got too carried away when I arrived here. I chose to ignore what Jonathon told me and look what mess I dragged myself into.

When I arrived here, I wanted to relive my old life, be boss. I tried too hard to fit in to the people here not realising that it's not the same. It never  was. I found real friends and I put a huge barrier between us on the very first day I met them.

The only real friend I have here is Thando.  She has been checking up on me ever since we met. Whenever I get a chance I always go to the cafe to catch up with her during the school weeks. .

I know a few things about her, like how she likes eating lemons. She wanted to study arts at the University of Wits and last but not least - she has a daughter named Imaani.

I'm meeting up with her today for drinks at the mall. I did the final touchups on my make up as I tucked my white vest inside my black jeans. I wore flip flops and my denim jacket.

"I don't know whether I should be happy about this going out of yours" my Aunt said looking at me skeptically. 

I kissed her cheek and sat down on the kitchen stool as she handed me a bowl of oats.

"Sausages, bacon and eggs..?" I asked jokingly.

"Bring it here if you don't want it. There are a lot of children who-"

"Go without a week of eating in certain parts of this continent, blah blah blah. Appreciate what you have- I've heard it all" I said finishing off the little speech she was going to give me.

"Okay, it sounds so horrible coming from your mouth" she said moving around the kitchen like a proffesional while I just sat and looked at her.

"Now you know what I have to put up with" I said laughing. She joined in and started removing some ingredients from the cupboard. The words "Never trust a skinny cook" were printed on her apron. Her silly hair was braided and she was wearing a pair of jeans, her apron covering her top.

"Please try and be back by 17:30, I need help with making dinner" she said biting her lip as she started beating eggs inside a huge bowl.

"Who's coming over. Please don't tell me it's the Greens again. I appreciate the company but they won't be here when we wash the dishes" I said slamming my head on the table.

Dinner with the Greens has become an occasional thing now. They are here almost everyday and I get tired of seeing Ashley's face. I feel like my IQ level drops everytime I'm around her.

I stood up and placed my plate on the sink and was about to make my way up the stairs when my Aunt stopped me.

"Sweetie. I think we have a problem." She said looking at me nervously as she took slow steps towards me.

"Why, What?" I asked looking at her.

"You have a blood stain. Didn't you feel a cramp or something or are you just one of those people who forget your periods?" She asked as she pushed me up the stairs with her apron now covering my back even though it was just the two of us.

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