Chapter 17: Hip Hop Monkies and Morning Breaths

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Chapter 17: Hip Hop Monkies and Morning Breaths

"Felicia sends her regards by the way" James said quickly putting food into his mouth, watching me curiously as my face turned purple.

My aunt decided to make a last minute 'special dinner' for her so called son-in-law. There was roasted chicken and potatoes on the dining room table and we were all sitting aroud the table, by 'we', I do mean including the 'Greens'.

Jonathon was again sitting in between his moms. My aunt was sitting at the head chair and there was a chair separating James and I.

"Oh. Cool" I said taking in a lot of oxygen. Kyle has been calling me a lot lately and I sort of miss him, I can't exactly answer his calls and be like,

"Sorry I couldn't take your calls babe, I'm having dinner with my boyfriend and the boy you told me not to hang out with"

Johnathon looked at me through his glasses with his eyebrow raised but I chose to ignore it. Dinner was awkward. Awkward is not even good enough to describe the situation right now.

The females had light conversations here and there and there would ask us questions about our future but then if one person stopped asking questions, we would grow into an uncomfortable silence where we only hear the plates and spoons conversing. 

"How about we play a game? Something like...Cherades" My aunt asked cheerfully, desperately trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well.." Ashley said rolling her eyes. I wanted to stomp her 6 inch heels under the table. An electrifying stomp that might make it's way to her brain and wake her up but Johnathon's glare was telling me otherwise.

"Yes" I said.

"A monkey doing the nae nae" James said shouting out the answer. It was the Greens versus well, the Zulu's (which is Aunt Thandeka's surname if you didn't know)

My aunt facepalmed herself for what I think was the 7th time this night at James's ridiculous attempts of guessing.

"A person who's wiping something- a cleaner?" I asked with my shoulders raised.

My aunt sat down finally after making a fool of herself for the past minute.

The Greens were on the lead because they had the brains, well two brains but I guess Ashley is just the beauty.

The game carried on for the next 30 minutes until it was 22:00 and The Greens had to go home because tomorrow was a school day after all. 

"Tomorrow is school" My aunt said after I finished packing the last dish in the cupboard

"But-Ja-James" I said trying to make up some silly excuse as to why I can't go there tomorrow.

"I have a lot of things James can help with tomorrow, we will be leaving tomorrow at 06:30 as usual so don't be late"

I stomped my foot on the wodden floor but this woman was not having it. I thought she was going to go deeper into this conversation and maybe discipline me about how I came late today but-nothing.

"James will sleep in the last room at the end of the passage. Don't even think about sneaking into his room because he's 18 and he's old enough to find a hotel for himself. Tomorrow when we come back he must be out of this house. This is not allowed" she said strictly before walking up the stairs leaving me with my jaw on the ground. 

An hour later I slightly knocked on my aunt's door and when i heard her light snores, feeling satisfied I walked to James room. The lights were off but I know that he is still awake.

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