Chapter 5: The Who's And The Whats Not

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Chapter 5: The Who's And The Whats Not

Just as I was about to walk to the teenagers dressed in black, Johnny Boy stopped me.

"Those are not the type of people you should be hanging out with, stay away from them" he said looking at me straight in the eyes.

It seems like he knows a lot about them, they look exactly like the type of people I hang out with.

"You came to South Africa to be someone new, you can start now" It was like he was trying to explain to a two year old why they can't go play on the snow.

"Okay I get it, Them" I said pointing at the cool kids. "Bad Guys, and you good kid"

He nodded his head. "Come, let me introduce you to my small group of friends.

He led to me a small group of teenagers wo were sitting under a tree, they were pretty invisible I must say.

"Cindy, this is Amy" he said pointing at brunette who was wearing a pretty decent outfit.

"This is Jack" Jack shot me a wink. He had a skateboard under his arm and he was wearing clothes twice his size.

"And last but not least, this is Sizwe" Sizwe was black, like me. Hallelujah. He was wearing branded clothes that I could recognize.

"Hi Cindy" they all chorused. I waved back at them awkwardly. Amy invited me over to sit next to her

"I'm so glad we finally have a girl in the group, the guys just wouldn't agree" she said a bit too excitedly. I forced a smile on my face.

"Is your dad a preast?" I asked out of the blue. She laughed nervously and put a strand of her hair begind her ear.

"No, but my mom is" she replied.

She looks innocent.

She could be my next project. Im about to break her innocence.

"So Cindy, what brings you to South Africa?" Jack asked

"Its a rough top-" Johnathon started but I cut him off.

"Uhmm, to learn about the country. How did you know I'm not from around" I asked him.

Sizwe looked up from his phone and replied. "You have an American accent" He got back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

Just as I was about to log into Instagram. I heard an 'Umph' sound. When I looked up, Johnathon was on the ground clutching his stomach and there was a ball next to him.

Amy was by his side in a blink of an eye, trying to help him get up.

The owner of the ball walked over to us. He was one of the guys in the "Do not hang out with them" group. He was wearing a tracksuit and a black t shirt paired up with a Black leather Converse.

Shoot me now.

He walked over to me and he kissed my hand. "Would you like to come join us? we're going to Milky Lane"

I looked over at Jake and he was violently shaking his head, even Sizwe had stopped whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Uh-I-le--Uhmm--John" I started stuttering. He glanced back at John who had Amy by his side.

"Would you mind if your friend joins us?" He slowly walked closer to him, looking at him straight in the eye. It's like he was dearing him to say 'No'.

John shook his head. "I. Can't. Hear. You"

"N-Noo, it wouldn't be a problem."

"Wonderful, lets get movin then" he pulled my arm and I looked back at Johnathon and his friends.

I shot Johnathon a pity smile. I wanted him to save me from this hot night in Black Converse but I don't think there's anything he can do.

He looked back at Johnathon's group with disgust laced on his face.

"What were you doing with those freaks?" he asked while smoothly placing his hand on my lower back.

I looked at his side profile, his face screamed 'danger' but that was the least of my worries now. What if this is all a prank?

They were no hidden camers in this park, thats for sure.

"He's my neighbor" I said casually while trying to distance myself from him.

I didn't realise that now were standing in front of 2 people, a red -headed girl and a boy with freckles on the bridge of his nose.

"Hi newbie, I'm Samantha" the red head said standing up from the big boulder she was sitting on.

Her head was in a high ponytail, Black shorts and a wife beater.

"Don't look at me like that" she whispered in my ear. She stepped back and gave me a bright Crest smile.

The freckles boy was eyeing me like I'm a walking disease.

"Whats your name?" I asked as kindly as I could.

"None of your business" he said before laying his head down on Samantha's lap.

"Frank, dont be rude", Samantha said playing with his head. Kyle was shooting him a death glare, his hands were fisted and his knuckles were starting to turn white.

"I'm sorry Newbie, my brother can be a bit 'mean' sometimes" she said grabbing a handful of his hair and twisting it painfully .

Samantha rose from her seat so quickly, causing Freckles' head to fall on the grass.

"What are we waiting for, let's go to Milky Lane" Kyle said grabbing a hold of my hand again.

I looked back at Johnathon and his friends. They were all laughing under the big willow tree. I guess I just 'didnt fit in'.

"I'll have a Knickerbocker Glory, if you can please just add some added whipped cream for me" I said placing the menu down.

"Do you have the money to pay for that?" Freckles' asked in annyoance.

"I'll pay" Kyle said shooting Freckles a warning look.

"Kyle we d-" Samantha said trying to step in to the conversation before Kyle cut her off quickly.

"Sam, it's fine" he said rubbing his knuckles.

"Newbie, I haven't caught your name yet" Samantha looked at me from across the table.

"Its Cindy- Cindy Grace" I said flipping imaginary dust off my shoulders. They all looked at me with a neutral expression on their faces, guess they're too serious for jokes

Samantha started talking and they completely ignored me for the whole 2 seconds, I was not used to not getting a lot of attention.

"I heard that annual school trip is coming up. 1 week of camping with "Ms Godzilla". We can take the excursion money and buy some booze. I heard Alondwe's parents are gone" She suggested rubbing her chin like an evil mastermind.

They all looked at me for confirmation.

"Cindy, are you in?" Kyle asked

I mean, it wouldn't hurt to tell my aunt a little white lie now. right?

I could feel three pair of eyes on me and one of them was burning daggers through my brain.

"I'm in"

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