Chapter 13: Pick A Side

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Chapter 13: Pick A Side

Samantha catched up to us like I thought so, I felt her heels clicking behind us nd I knew that we have been caught.

My friendship with Amy was just starting to get on track and Samantha just had to come and ruin just by her presence alone.

Its days like these when I want to dig up a hole and hide in it.

"What are you doing here?" She tapped my shoulders. I feel like telling her I came to buy elephants but I don't want a nemesis at the moment, I'm saving that line for more important people.

"I was shopping with Amy" I had my hand over her shoulder to try and show Samantha that if she does try and steal me, she's going to have to get through Amy - haha, just kidding. I learnt karate in 2nd grade.

"That's great, come and join us for a smoothie"

"Amy here, doesn't drink smoothies because they contain...this thing, what's that thing again Amy?"

"Sugar, loads and loads of sugar" she said covering her mouth as if she was about to vomit. I gave a her a weird look, is that all she could say.

"Oh come on, she'll order some coffee" Samantha persuaded. Our conversation was interrupted by a ping from my cellphone.

Sizwe: Tf Cindz! Where u @?

Me: you can leave without us

Sizwe: you don't have to tell me twice.

"That was my aunt, she needs me to buy her cat food because she is going to the cat place now with uncle, Joe" I said in an attempt to run away. I grabbed Amy's hand and we stepped back.


I don't even want to know how we ended up seated on the same cafe we were in less then three hours ago. The whole gang was here, seated on a booth.

The shock on Frank's eyes when I slid in next to him was indescribable. His eyeballs looked like they were going to jump out of his eye sockets.

"What is this thing doing here" he signalled with his eyes. His messy curls were in a man bun, if he didn't have that "delinquent" attitude of his I'd actually find him cute.

"Leave her alone" Kyle said from beside me. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek whilst everyone had their attention focused on their menus

"What will you be guys having today?"

"Cappucino, two sugars" Samantha said

"She'll have her coffee black, no sugar" she said speaking for Amy.

"I'll have a chocolate milkshake, and extra whip cream" I said shooting the cute waiter a wink. Frank rolled his eyes besides me.

"I'll have still water and Frank will have a Coke" Kyle said speaking for the both of them.

I can't believe I'm starting school here, but Kyle and Johnathon will be there. I'm not so sure about Johnathon though

"Cindy, can we have a talk please," Kyle said pointing at the direction of the door exit.

I looked back at Amy and I was actually surprised to see her laughing at something Frank said.

I nodded my head and got up from my seat.

"Where are you two going, is it time to go home now?" Amy asked standing up.

"No sit down, I'll be back now" I said sending her a warm smile, she kindly returned it.

It was chilly outside and I felt goosebumps rise from my skin. Kyle looked at my bare arms and wrapped his denim jacket around me.

We walked to a bench that was on the park, opposite the city hospital. I took a seat and he walked back and forth in front of my eyes.

"If you don't sit down now, I'm afraid I'll faint" I said in all seriousness.

"Cindy, there's something I need to ask you" He said looking at me shyly. I placed my head on his shoulders so I could trace his jawline.


"I know this is the weirdest way to ask someone and I'm not the romantic type and shit. I just, you know-" he said scratching the back of his head with his free hand.


"Talk Kyle, or I'll have to squeeze your neck so all the words that are stuck inside there will come out flying"

"Some colourful threat that is"  

"Don't try to change the subject" I said rolling my eyes.

"Cindy Grace Whiteman, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.
I shook my head at his question. What's so hard about that?

"Of course you dummy" I said giving him a quick peck on the lips. He pouted at me but I didn't fall for his tricks.

We walked back at the cafe hand in hand.  The bell above the cafe ringed and our group of 'friends' turned back and looked at us with questioning stares.

"Everyone, Cindy is officially my girlfriend"

I swear I saw stream exit Frank's ears and, well confusion in Amy's eyes. Samantha was the only one to stand up and give both of us a hug.

Kyle kissed my forehead, I was so confused. I didn't even process this thoroughly. I hope I'm not making a mistake. 

"Cindy now, there are terms and conditions you have to follow as my girlfriend" Kyle said

Oh boy

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