Chapter 15: Joints and Study Dates

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Chapter 15: Joints And Study Dates

"Aunt Thandeka, I'm heading out. I'll be back at 18:00" I said kissing her cheek on a Saturday morning.

"Hold your horses, where are you going?" She asked with her hand on hips. She was whipping up something in a bowl.

"I have a study date, with 'someone' " I said using air quotes. 

"Is that 'someone' I know?" She asked with batter all over her apron. I shook my head and grabbed my denim jacket by the door.

"Nope, but you'll be meeting them today or tomorrow, but I will send u a text if i decide to bring he/she by" I said walking out with my school bag over my shoulder.

Kyle was standing under a huge tree a couple of houses away from where I live. At the sight of me, a small grin appeared on his face as he drank in my appearance.

"Babe" he said scanning the neighborhood then giving my lips a quick peck. He took my bag and slung it over his shoulder.

In school he always did this and I had grown comfortable to the routine we shared.

"How did you escape?" He asked placing his hands on his pocket. I nodded my head and tapped his nose.

"I just told her the truth. We are going studying after all, aren't we, babe?" He snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to his body as we walked down the street.

"We're just meeting a couple of friends, don't worry babe" he said kissing me on the cheek.

"What about the studying, I brought my Physics textbook. Do you know how heavy that thing is?" I whined wanting to throw a tantrum on this very street

"I'M CARRYING YOUR BAG ISN'T THAT ENOUGH!" He shouted. He had never raised his voice at me, never. This was a first. My heart stopped beating for a second but he quickly apologized and said he was 'having a bad day'

We arrived at a huge forest which was away from town. My feet were killing me but the sight in front of me was beautiful.

There was a huge mountain on the other side, a huge distance separating us, and there was a river flowing in  between.

"Kyle, don't you think a date in the forest is a bit too cliche?"

"That's not where we're going princess" he said placing his hand on the small of my back and leading me deeper into the forest. A couple of mud holes and branches later we arrived at our destination.

About 10 teenagers were sitting in a circle drinking booze and smoking weed. I instantly recognized a few faces from school and I chose to sit next to a girl I met at the party.

"SpongeBob girl" she said passing the joint to me. I placed it on my lips and inhaled. I coughed a few times but I quickly recovered, the familiar scent of the weed filled my lungs after I passed the joint to the next person next to me.

"I heard you and Kyle are an item. Piece of shit has been single for the past couple of months" she said winking at me. How lucky I am.

"Well I guess he was waiting for me" I said laughing. My eyes scanned the crowd for Kyle and I found him holding a bottle of vodka while he was speaking to his hot best friend, Frank

"What's up with Frank?" I asked her taking a swig of the now half-empty bottle of Smirnoff that was being passed around. The liquid burnt my throat which caused me to close my eyes and suck in my cheeks.

"Oh, I don't know his story actually. What I do know is that he-"

"Grace, over here," I heard a familiar voice call me. Samantha had her hair in a high ponytail and she was wearing track pants and a tank top.

"That's my queue to leave, thanks" I said to the girl who's name I did not catch. I stood up from the small bench almost falling down during the process.

"Oops" I said to myself as I walked over to Samantha. Her perfect eyebrow was raised as she looked at me with disappointment.

"Someone's alcohol tolerance is low" she said rolling her eyes. I gave her a guilty smile as I placed my hand on her shoulder

"Don't talk to anyone here and don't take drinks from anyone. Don't even think of smoking weed. Kyle made me look after you" she said leading me towards a table with no one sitting on it. There were drinks splattered all over it and Samantha grabbed a closed can of Coke and gave it to me.

"This is what you will drink" she said making me sit down.

"Yes mom" I said sitting down and opening the can. The cold liquid ran down my throat and I can't even describe how good it tasted.

"There's Samuel David, he plays soccer in school, something about being a defender. I'm just going to say 'Hi', behave, okay?"

I nodded my head in agreement and decided to stand up as soon as she left. A van was parked next to the BBQ and it was playing some Chainsmokers song I saw on YouTube.

The van was empty but the speakers were vibrating inside and I felt like they were going to burst any minute now. I got inside the passenger seat and decided to take a small nap, just for a few minutes...

Don't forget to press that star and make ya girl happy

****Don't forget to press that star and make ya girl happy 

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