Chapter 4: Peace Offerings And Community Parks

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Chapter 4: Peace Offerings and Community Parks

I woke up to the heat of the sun on my face. The windows of my bedroom were open.
My phone was vibrating under my table... Mom was calling me

I didn't want to pick it up. I was still angry at her, but I also wanted answers.

"My sweetheart, I miss you very much," she said in a chirpy voice. I let out an unlady-like snort and sadly (note the sarcasm) she heard it. "Sweetie, dont be like that..." She sounded sad,but I'm not going to fall for it.

"Don't be like what, ma?" I asked angrily. "I mustn't be human. I must hide my emotions and pretend that everything is Rainbows and Unicorns?"

She let out a sigh, and I knew it was going to be followed by a long speech. "Honey, I am your mother and I am always right. You listen to me," Laugh. "Don't mock me, you will be staying and bonding with your aunt the whole year while I take a break from raising your spoilt ass" she said quietly.

I heard it all...

I dropped the phone and lied in my bed. I didn't have any more tears in my system anymore.

I jogged down the steps, skipping two whilst I am at it and made my way to the kitchen. The porridge was on the stove as Aunty promised.

"You say I'm crazy
Cause You Dont Think I Know What You've Done
But, When You Call Me Baby
I Know I'm Not The Only One"

The volume of the TV was so loud, I'm sure the aliens from Pluto could hear it. I was still in my pyjamas watching Trace Urban, a channel I found on the TV Guide.

I heard a knock on the door just as I was about to go and take a shower. "Ughh," I groaned liked the beast I am.

Johnathon's mother came to view as I opened the door. "Hello, can I come in?"
I opened the door wider signaling for her to enter. She sat down and placed a box of 'Debonairs pizza' on the table.

"This is the best pizza," she said softly. "I drove all the way to the Riverside Mall to buy it." she laughed softly. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Ok, this is weird, you can't just come here and tell me about this being the best pizza," Something was wrong and I know my mother had something to do with it

"You know Cindy, its hard raising a child, well you dont know," she chuckled. "Someday you will, your mother lov-"

"I knew it, I knew that she was the one that sent you here," I looked at her straight in the eyes. "Do you know what she said to me?" I asked while sobbing lightly. She patted my hair awkwardly and persuaded me to carry on.

"You don't know half of the nasty words she said, the things she called me," I whispered. "Aunt...?"

"Its Heather, my name is Heather" she said
"Thank You, I think you know your wait out" I said, leaving the dining room. She switched off the TV before leaving the house.

I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. I let the hot water come in contact with my skin. I felt the goosebumps rising, caused by the extremely hot water on my skin

Just when I was to get started on my shower, I realised that they was no soap. I muttered some curse words under my breath and I walked to the kitchen.

I checked all the cupboards there, but
there was no soap.

I walked inside my aunt's room. I'll just borrow her soap for the moment.

I tried to open the cupboard above the mirror, but it was locked.

I took the used soap next to the bathtub and made a run to the shower.

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