Chapter 18: Sparkling Water and Cute Cafes

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Please read the Authors note at the end of the chapter. Will be highly appreciated.

Chapter 18:

It's been two weeks since James left and we have been in touch. Kyle does notice that I've been acting a bit strange and he asks me sometimes but I brush him off.

I'm currently sitting in registration bored out of my life, waiting for the first period bell to ring when Kyle walks In telling me to bring my bag because my "parents" have come to fetch me.

The teacher gave me permission to go but there were a few people who were giving me curious glances and some of them glaring at me.

Jonathon scoffed at me as I walked down the aisle on my way to the door. It really upset me,  I have to fix my friendship with Jonathon today.

My head started spinning as I walked to the door but I took deep breaths.

As soon I exited the door I was greeted with Kyle's familiar scent: cocoa butter and alcohol.

"Are you okay?" He asked taking my bag for me as we made our way through the entrance  of the school

I nodded my head as I placed my hand on my burning forehead.

"We could stop by at the -"

"Jesus Christ! I SAID I'M FINE" I said snapping at him as  exited through the main gate. Kyle gave the security guard a nod and I just looked at them in awe.

He smiled at the little scene I was causing until we exited the school premises and we were out of sight.

"I will not have you talk to me like that , understand?" He said gripping my arm with his hand giving it a tight squeeze.

If I was not suffering right now I would have blushed at how cute it was when he is mad but well then, My mouth just had no filter.

"Oh well then, don't think just because your father talks to you like that you can do the same to me." I said covering my mouth just as soon as the words came out.

I saw Kyle raise his hand at me to give me a slap but I quickly stopped him before it came in contact with my cheek.

"Never raise your hand at me" I said walking away from him. I didn't turn back to see his reaction but I do know that he is beyond pissed.

"Cindy! Come back here NOW!" He roared from across the road as I made my way back home.

"What will you be having ma'am?" the waitress asked me at a cute little cafe I spotted at the corner of the house road on my way back home.

There were small tables for two and the whole place smelt like coffee and lemons. The waitress was giving me a weird look seeing as I was still in my school uniform.

"I'll have sparkling water and a chocolate muffin" I said giving her my order.

My phone ringed at the exact moment and it was a call from Kyle. I placed it face down and watched it vibrate on the cream white table. The waitress came back not even 4 minutes later with my muffin and she was eyeing my phone on the table.

I opened the bottle and a funny sound exited through the lid. I felt the chair in front of me being dragged and my eyes met with the same waitress who took my order.

"Thando" she said giving me her hand to shake. I slowly shook my head but I gave her my hand too

"Cindy Grace" I said. A little cough exited my mouth which reminded me to stop by the pharmacy and buy myself a small bottle of cough mixture 

"I see you're having a rough day. I'm on my lunch break and I saw how...lonely you looked."

I chuckled and decided to give her face a good look. She looked like she was 19 or 20 and she had green hair which was in a high ponytail. She had pale skin and freckles on the bridge of her nose with a few piercings here and there.

"Well yeah, I just kinda had a fight with my boyfriend. He almost slapped me actually" I said not giving a care that I met this girl like 2 seconds ago.

"Oh wow. Want to talk about. I have about-" she quickly checked her watch and continued talking. "52 minutes" she said.

I bought her a coffee which she gladly accepted while I told her my story, from my life to America to the present time and I felt lighter.


"Well. I don't know what to say actually" she said 20 minutes later. There were 3 coffees on the table which she drank herself and I had 2 bottles of sparkling water and more muffins.

"You don't have to say anything" I said smiling at her. Something about her made me want to tell her all my troubles. I felt comfortable around her, I trusted her.

"Well Thando, the green haired girl. I enjoyed talking to you,  really." I said standing up and placing money on the table with her tip.

"Lets exchange numbers, this doesn't have to be the last time Grace" she said placing all the coffee mugs and the saucers which had my muffins in them.

We exchanged numbers and she walked me out of the little cafe. I actually have a friend, someone i trust.  My heart fluttered at the thought of this and a small giggle escaped my mouth, I couldn't help it.

"I guess I'll see you around Tay" I said looking at my feet. A slow blush made it's way to my cheeks

She walked closer to me and before I knew it, we were kissing in front of the cafe. It was the best kiss of my life, and believe me when I say, I've kissed a lot of lips.



We both laughed at our shyness and I slung my backpack over my shoulder and bid her farewell.

I opened the door to our house and there was nobody home. I jogged up the stairs and slipped out of my uniform and I decided to sleep. My stomach burnt but I ignored it and shut my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

Hello beautiful people who read my book. I'm actually happy to announce that there is less then 3 chapters left for my book to end. By 3 chapters I do mean (including the Epilogue) Thanks to all of you who have been reading and voting on my book- if you haven't voted what are you waiting for really? Bye now. CIAO!

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