Chapter 12: Red Devils And Halfway(s)

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Chapter 12: Red Devil and Halfway(s)

"I'm telling you" Johnathon slapped Sizwe's back, re-telling the tale of what happened to us back at Mr Price.

Sizwe looked uninterested and he looks liked he'd rather be doing anything else and Amelia was looking at me with her nostrils flared.

We were sitting at a small café and I was the only one who orderd black coffee while the rest were having a cold beverage.

"Great" Amelia said offering Johnathon a seeet smile. Not even a second later, she looked at my face and glared at me. I mean, what is wrong with this girl? I'm actually the one who has every right to be mad since she tried to rape me.

Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic.

"Amelia, I need you to help me with some girls stuff" I said out loud so the boys can hear me. They both made a face and shoo'd us away from them so we can go and 'buy some girls stuff'.

"Where the hell are you taking me you weirdo" she said trying to remove my hand from her arm.

People were sending us weird looks, and I couldn't care less. The whole aim was to get Amy to socialize with people or she'll end up married with seven cats.

"Listen up girly, I will not tolerate this attitude, especially from you. What the hell did I do to you?" I asked in annoyance. I dropped her arm and placed my hand on my hip.

A look of guilt flahsed through her eyes, but it was gone instantly.

"I'm sorry, you just don't understand. You're the bad guy and I'm the nerd" she said covering her eyes with both her hands.

I slung my hand around her shoulder and we took a walk around the 2nd floor.

"Elaborate" I said scratching my neck in confusion.

"You get the good guys, the good body and the good hair. I'm the nerd- I'm supposed to get the good everything with a boyfriend who's a bad boy and stuff-" she said scratching her head in embarrassment

"Life is not a fairytale" I said laughing at her statement.

"Come on, let's go check out the clothes at 'Flames', cause the mannequins on display are really smokin" I said trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

We were greeted by the cool air coming from the air-con above us. People we scattered all over the place and there was a long line heading towards the till assistant.

I ran my hands through the material of the clothes and so far it was good. My eyes met with a pair of red heels

I asked a shop assistant to give me my size and place them in a box because I'm taking these babies home

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I asked a shop assistant to give me my size and place them in a box because I'm taking these babies home.

"These boots are R700, how the hell are you able to afford them?" She asked, shocked

"Don't worry about that, just browse for an outfit, its on me" I said winking at her.

I walked around the store with her, in search for an outfit. I shook my head to all of her choices which were; long skirts, turtlenecks; long skirts, oh wait did I mention long skirts?

"We are not going to buy all this crap, you have such a nice body and you don't even want to reveal it" I groaned in frustration. We stepped away from the 'married woman's section' and walked to the teen's section.

"We're definitely taking this for you" I said tossing a short off the shoulder, red dress in her direction. Baby steps.

I told her to go and wear it now , and ojce she does, I will make sure that she doesn't take it off.

We walked out off Flames and luckily, Amy still had her dress on. I made sure to pair it with white pupms, we cant make her wear heels on her first day.

Inside the clothing room, I unbraided her fishtail and let her hair loose.

"Why are you doing this for me?" She asked surprised. I made a 'tsk' sound and shrugged my shoulders.

"I dont know" I said honestly.

Sizwe: uhm hello, hurry up

Me: jeez, 5 min


As we were walking towards the boys, we saw someone who made me turn my back and run away...

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