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This is going to be short. Thandeka's POV of what happened in hopsital.

My Baby girl was gone. The doctors had ushered us out of the room as soon as the stupid machines started to beep.

George was hugging the life out of me, crying into one of my favourite shirts which I purchased at 'Flames'

She picked it out for me a couple of weeks ago and told me I needed to wear things for people my age. I let her pick the shirt.

I stared into space, no tears were forming. I didn't feel like crying, I don't want to cry.

I always told her to never cry in the mornings on her way to school and she used to brush it off with a laugh.

Mr Wallace, her doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hands and he looked at us with nothing but pity.

Laura was complaining about how she could have raised Cindy better and Jabu was silently crying as he caressed his wife's hair.

"Which one of you is her mother?" Dr Wallace asked as he looked between Laura and I. We both stood up and glared at each other.

"I am" we said simultaneously.

"I am her mother , I raised her" Laura said as she walked towards the doctor.

"Her biological mother?" I stood up and Laura sat down with pain in her eyes. I felt like sticking my tongue out at her but this was no time for games.

"Okay. Can you step into my office ma'am?" I slowly nodded my head as I followed behind him with my head hung low.

He pushed the door open and told me to take a seat. I didn't take a look around the room but I could see pictures of him and his family"

"Well, it was pretty normal for Cindy to faint, she must have been feeling dizzy. We were expecting her to wake up after a couple of hours because dizziness and fainting is- as I said- normal in her first trimester" he said with his hands placed on the table.

"First trimester of what now?" I asked. I knew the answer but I wanted to hear the words coming out of his mouth. 

"Cindy was about 3 weeks pregnant which might explain the symptoms you listed on the day she arrived in hospital"

Oh God no. Why did this happen to me, was it because of all the lies I told? I don't think any mother deserves to hear this, who am I kidding I wasn't there for her. I didn't even raise her. This was too much for me to take in.

"And about her cause of death. We think she was in shock, might have been something she saw or heard..." He said giving me a certain look. 

"We don't think the baby was going to make it in any case because of her drinking and smoking habits. She would have had a low birth weight baby or...a miscarriage" he said as he stood up from his chair. He opened a door which lead to a room and he came back with some paperwork.

"Here's a funeral cover and a pamphlet you can read about losing a loved one" he said.

"Would you like to see her?" I shook my head and watched as he walked to the door

"I'll give you some space to process all this information. It's quite a lot to take in" he said as he closed the door behind me.

There is no way I can fully express the pain I am feeling right now. There is no way I can make others understand the pain I am enduring. I think the hardest part isn't saying goodbye, but it was learning to live without her.

I rushed out of the hospital doors and made my way to the small park across  the road...this is it

This is the end

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