Chapter 11: They Lost A Spender

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Chapter 11:They Lost A Spender


In less then 48 hours I will be in a school in this crazy town of Riverside. I will have to start afresh, reboot my whole New York life and forget I ever had a friend called Chloé and a boyfriend called James.

I will have to blend in here and accept that I will be living here for a whole year.

This is my life now.

My bedroom door opened and in barged. John. It actually feels weird calling him that.

"What are you doing, its-" I quickly checked the alarm clock next to me

"..06:52" he answered for me. He was dressed in black jeans and a white Adidas t-shirt. Oh boy, and those black and white Vans.

"What are you doing in here, so early" I whined. I was still in my blanket wearing my Barbie pyjamas.

I think today is not going to be my day.

"Go take a shower and get dressed" he said walking out of my room. His face appeared behind the door again whilst I was walking towards the shower.

CLICK! The camera flashed in front of me. I stood in that same spot, frozen.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'll be waiting for uou downstairs, eating all of your mashed potatoes and beef stew" he said closing the door behind him.

I placed my hand on my heart and slowly removed my vest. But then Johnny Boy decided to intrude my private space again.

"You look hot in those pyjamas" he said shooting me a wink. That boy is going to be the death of me.

After my shower, I decided to wear a green sundress and let my big afro loose. This thing hasn't breathed for ages, I must let all the big township rats come out.

I wore my green sandals and applied one coat of my red lipstick. I'm pretty sure I look fine. The walk down the stairs was taking forvever

I wonder what Johnathon had planned in his mind, it can't be something too bad though. Is it a date?

"You look breath-taking Nkosazane (princess)",my aunt complimented me. Johnathon was just looked at me with his mouth slightly opened this whole time.

"Thank you, Johnathon I would appreciate it if you stop looking at me like the man on that KFC commercial" I teased.

His cheeks suddenly flushed from embarrassment and I released a high pitched giggle.

"I wasn't looking at you, you're not worth it" he said huffing and puffing like the Big Bad wolf.

"Sure thing Johnny Boy" I said shooting a wink in his direction. Was I actually flirting with him in front of my aunt. I have no shame.

"Great, shoo children. Hit the road, I have a lot of cleaning to do" my aunt pushed us towards the door. What if this is their way of getting rid of me and Johnathon is actually going to dump me by a river...

* * * *
"The mall, really?" I asked in frustration. Couldn't he take me somewhere else, even the park is better then this. I would actually voluntarily go to a dumping site and roll in some old man's crap then to come here.

"What's wrong with the mall? Amy told us to meet here" he said blushing as he said her name. I don't want to lie, I was disappointed and jealous at the same time.

"Oh" I said, walking ahead of him. I entered a random shop labeled 'Mr Price' just so I could get some time to cool off.

What is happening with my life? I'm losing it. I've never been this soft before, I need to get my shit together and be tough. No feelings.

"I thought I lost you" he said looking very concerned. Worry was evident in his eyes.

"No you didn't, you should just look for the girl with a mop on her head" I said sarcastically.

"Oh great, Yay! She's back" he aslo replied sarcastically.

As I walked around the shop even more, I started to realise that my bra was greeting itchy. I'm never wearing this type of bra again. I couldn't help it so I placed my hand shoulder and I started rubbing my back.

"What on Earth are you doing? " Johnathan asked with his hand placed over his mouth. Shock was evident in his face and I was embarrassed.

"I was just, my b-"

"I get it, bra problems?" He askes calmly. He walked closer to me and I took a step back. I mean, I didn't need The Sesame Street cast to tell me that.

"I live in a house with two women" he said calmly. This time I was more relaxed and I watched him walk closer to him.

He placed his hand inside my sundress and quickly undid my bra. Before he could remove his hand, a shop assistant came to us.

"Can I hel-, Oh Jesus, son of Mary. Liam!" She started screaming like a mad woman

"LIAM! LIAM, IT'S NO. 324!" She quickly walked away and two security guards were by our sides in an instant and escorted us out of the shop.

Too bad, I liked their dresses

Oh well, they lost a spender...

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