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Song Of The Chapter: Blow Your Mind (Mwah)- Dua Lipa.


Anastasia's POV_

"Does this look good?" I sighed. "I'm not sure." I put my white coat on the couch, standing in front of Mia, who was busy fixing her own makeup.

We decided that since Joyce is busy tonight, as always, me and Mia could get some drinks for ourselves.

I mean, all three of us used to hit the club almost every week, but now she's making her own plans without us, which is something I don't really mind, but me and Mia can have our own fun too.

Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to have the girls night we've been planning for a while now, getting drunk like the good old days, and maybe meeting some new people, because believe me, I've been feeling trapped for the past month or so.

All this drama has exhausted me from head to toe, and I think it's time I let everything go for a while.

I need to stop thinking about yesterday.

I need to stop thinking about Conor.

His eyes, his hair, his lips, his skin on mine... everything.

I need to stop thinking about everything.

"I'm pretty sure a lot of guys would want to take you home, if you know what I mean." She winked, smiling up as she studied my outfit.

"I'm not going home with anyone anymore." I scuffed.

I gave up on chatting up random guys at the club, because I've seen where it has taken me, and it's not a pretty place at all.

It's a place full of tears, heartbreak, thirst, and lots of headache.

Seriously, Conor might be the only guy I've sticked around for so long now, and it feels... wrong.

I don't know how to put my feelings into terms, but when he's around, I just know that I'd finally settle down.

I know I want the same hands to touch me for the rest of my life.

I know I want to hear the same voice for as long as I live.

But then he walks away, back to the arms of the girl he first fell in love with, and everything turns painful again.

So, to sum up this heartfelt speech I just gave, Conor is some sort of a new drug I'm trying, but it's so good, that when it's gone, I can feel pain flowing through my bloodstreams again.

The only problem is, I might be addicted already, and that needs immediate treatment.

"That's because you're in love." She sang, giggling as she carried on applying her bright pink lipstick.

"I am not!" I yelled.

"Well, by the way he showed up, Conor's definitely in love." She sat back in her seat, a proud smirk covering her face.

"What are you talking about?" I didn't give her words much thoughts, putting my heels on as she started to speak.

"You know, when he came here." She said. "Well, he seemed in a hurry, asking about his baby Annie," she teased, but my hand punching her shoulder snapped her back into the topic. "he didn't even wait for me to finish talking. I told him you were in your room and the next thing I know he's running towards the door. It was amazing seeing him this eager to see you." She laughed to the memory, as if it's a great thing telling me that boy who's hundreds of miles away from me right now wanted to see me just as much as I wanted to see him.

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