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I wake up when I feel something wet on my face. Opening my eyes I see Keith planting kisses all over me. Smiling I kiss him on the lips.

" Happy birthday baby."

" Thank you and good morning."

Soon the boys bust through the door, with gifts, balloons, and cake.


" Aw guys you shouldn't have."

They all sit on the bed and hand me the gifts.

" Oh Natasha, Dre and E gave these to me. They wanted you to open them on your birthday."

Donte hands me a stack of cards held together by a rubber band.

~ ~ ~

" Maino the fuck is this ", I yell holding up a dildo.

" You use it when Keith is gone ", the boys laugh.

Keith snatches it away from me putting it back in the bag.

" She don't need that. I lay pipe whether I'm at home or not."

He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. The boys exit the room leaving Keith and I by ourselves.

" Let's go take a bath."

" Alright I'll be there in a minute let me read some of these cards."

Not paying attention to the address I start opening the cards. Some of them were sweet, funny, had money, etc. One envelope stood out from the others. It wasn't in like a card envelope it look like a letter was in there. I open it not paying attention to the address. The envelope contained a piece of a paper with my name written in big graffiti letters. In the corner the paper read, " happy birthday baby love Orlando. "

This nigga does not quit. I rip the paper throwing it in the trash. I can't believe he sent me a birthday card. Before he was sentenced to life I told him in that court room to not contact me. We were broken up before he went on trail.

Walking into the bathroom Keith is chilling in the tub. I strip out of my clothes climbing in the tub. I rest my back on Keith's chest letting out a breath.

" What's wrong?"

" Orlando sent me a birthday card."

" What?"

" I said Orlando sent me a birthday."

" How did he even get your address?"

" I don't even know."

" What did the card say?"

" It said happy birthday baby love Orlando."

I can tell Keith is pissed off cause his body tensed up. Turning my whole body to face him, I rest my hands on his wet chest.

" You don't have to stress out about it. I ripped up the card and threw it in the trash. KP I got you now and I'm your ride or die. I'm never going to leave unless you do some stupid shit."

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