twenty four

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All I can say is wow. Once again I fell for the trap and ended up getting hurt. I didn't ex0ect it, because Keith is a good man and treated me right, I just didn't think he would do something like this. I laid in bed in an over size t-shirt and fuzzy sock cuddling a stuff animal my dad gave me before he passed. A knock is heard on the door and my grandma opens it.

" I made your favorite breakfast, strawberry waffles with a face on it."

" I'm not hungry grandma, but thank you."

She nods her head closing the door. After I whooped Keith's ads I packed my other clothes and took a road trip up to Oakland to pay a visit to my grandma. She's my dad's mom and after all the shit that has happened I still kept in contact with her. After my dad's death, Evelyn leaving me, my mom taking me in we still talked every month. I didn't tell her what happened, but she said I can stay for as long as I need to. I didn't plan on staying too long because eventually I would have to go back to Los Angeles. Right now I'm just trying to get my mind right.


I walk into the warehouse with shades and a hat on trying my best to hide my face. Walking at a fast speed I finally made it to my office without anyone stopping me. Taking my hat and glasses off I lay my head back letting out a breath. I touch my face and since at the baby. My baby girl who a mean ass left hook.

I have no idea where Alizé is at. When she left I tried using the find your friends app, but she turned her location off. I asked Eric and Dre and they don't know where she's at and I'm assuming that she didn't tell them what happened. They asked about my face, but I told them I got into a fight.

I am trying my best and busting my ass on trying to find Alizé. Finding her is what is on my mind right now then we'll see how it goes from there. I want to apologize and make things right for us if that's possible.

I hear my door open and quickly grab an ice pack to cover my face.

" Its just me, I see Alizé fucked you up bad."

" Have you heard from her Donte?"

" No ", he had a sad tone to his voice.

I drop my head throwing the ice pack across the room. Why did I fall for temptation? I will do whatever it takes to get Alizé back with me. I just miss my baby.


I was sitting at one of the visiting booths waiting for the guard to bring him out. People have been telling me that he got transferred up here, so I decided to pay him a visit.

He still looks the same, looks like he never aged. I wonder how he still manages to keep a fresh haircut while in prison. Smiling at me he picks up the phone and I mimick his actions.

" Did you miss me?"

" No ", I looked down, " Orlando stop calling, stop sending me mail ok we are not together anymore. We will never get back to the point where everything was good, you fucked that up. You put me through hell and now you're paying the price for what you did. Bye Orlando."

I hang up the phone walking out the visiting area.


I'm driving around all over Los Angeles trying to see if I can spit Alizé. I've called every single hotel and no luck. I drive up to a hike trail that over looks the city. I get out of the drivers seat and sit in the hood.

" God I know I don't talk to you a lot and that's my fault, but I need your help. I messed up and now the love of my life is somewhere. Please watch her and makes sure she's ok and bring her back to me. Thank you."

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