twenty nine

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I sat in the car picking my nails as I wait for Keith to come back. He said he had to make a quick run, which I don't know why the fuck he couldn't wait til after to pick my was up. When I found out that I am officially pregnant, I put a countdown on when he needs to leave the drug business. It's either us or the drugs. His goofy special ads walks out and hops in the jeep. He goes in for a kiss, but I move my head out of the way.

" What the hell is wrong with you?"

" I don't know maybe because I'm irritated, hungry, you brought to this bullshit ass teahouse where I can get shot, and your s-kid is kicking my god damn bladder."

I almost slipped up and told him the gender. Every time we go to an appointment he asking the doctor what is the gender, but she won't tell him because I want him to be surprised. He's going to be very happy that I am cooking a Jr in this oven. I am about six months, so I have quite some time before the baby gets here.

These past six months Keith has been on my tail making sure that I'm ok the baby is okay. I still haven't told anybody yet. Yes I am on my Kylie Jenner shit and trying to have a peaceful preganacy. Whenever people come over I cover myself in my heavy ads quilt my grandma made or put on a baggy jacket.

I think momma Jen knows that I'm preganat, but she's not going to say anything for my sake. As Keith was driving, his hand was rubbing my stomach as he hummed to the song playing on the radio. He pulls over on the side of the road and unbuckles his seatbelt. He jogs over to my side opening my door. He helps me out of the jeep and I pull down my bodycon dress a little. I grab a hair is from my purse and put my hair in a messy bun.

" Look at my baby glowing and shit."

He bends down to kiss my stomach and I smile at him. I also decided I wasn't going to wear makeup because I have to get use to that because I don't want the baby to touch my face and get baby acne from my makeup. We walk over to Pink's and the line wasn't that long surprinsly. We walk to the end with our fingers intertwined. Keith kissed the top of my hand smiling at me. He moves a stray piece of face out of my face kissing my lips.

" You look so beautiful without makeup. I don't know why you wear it."

" I think I'm going to stop after munchkin is born."

He kissed my forehead rubbing my stomach. The baby moved a little bit and he got really excited. We get to the front of the line and I quickly scan the menu.

" Baby what do you want?"

" A Martha Stewart hotdog with a side of fried please."

Keith orders our food and we step to the side waiting for our food. Keith was behind me rubbing my belly. They call out our names and I quickly grab the food getting a table in the eating area. Keith pulls my chair out for me and I thank him. It was quiet the first few minutes because I was too busy trying to feed baby boy.

" When is your next appointment?"

" The thirtieth, wht?"

" Because I'm about to bribe this doctor to tell me do I get to get some pit bulls to protect my daughter or rotwillers for my son to play with. "

I bust out laughing holding my stomach.

" Why are you so crazy?"

" Alizé on everything if we are having a daughter I am not fucking playing with these little boys. I fight kids too."

Let me hurry up and tell him so he don't go crazy.

" You don't have to worry about that because we are having a Jr."

" Wait we having a boy?!"

" Yes ", I smile.

" He picks me up spinning me around. Kisses were placed all over my stomach making the baby kick like crazy.

" I love you."

" I love you too."

~ ~ ~


I wait in the warehouse for all of my employees to come so we can have this meeting. When everybody came in they looked scared, probably thinking I was about to kill somebody today but I left my piece in the car. I smile at everyone as they take a seat in the chairs I set up which scared them. Donate, Reggie, Maino, and Bunky came in worried too.

" K.P what's going on?"

" I Just want to thank you guys for rocking with me and be loyal employees to me. It was fun working with every single one of you, but I'm stepping down. This drug business is not for me anymore. I have new responsibilities I need to take care of. I don't want to end up in prison like my father, he wouldn't want me locked up besides him. I've decided to let Bunky,  Donte, Reggie, and Maino take over. You guys need to respect them like they are me. I put you guys in good hands. It was good while it last and I'll catch y'all around. "

I give everyone a hug before I left out of the warehouse. Donte pulls me over to the side giving me a bro hug.

" She's pregnant isn't she?"

I nod my head.

" Today I just found out I'm having a son and I don't want him to witness this and follow in the same path I did."

" It's good that you making a decision like this, we all proud of you."

The rest of the guys come over and we do our handshake. I'm going to miss working with these fools.

So the book is coming to an end pretty soon💔

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