Chapter 1

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Marco p.o.v

I woke up from my bed to start a other day, ever since Star came to earth and came to my life I have to be ready for anything and I mean anything. I hope out of the shower got dress to start the day "MARCO" Star tackle me from behind giving me a big hug "hey star what is it?" "you have letter" my face was completely​ shock "w-who is it from?" "I don't know  probably someone in to you" Star gave me the letter it looks so fancy this person had the time to design it "open it already" "okay okay" I begin to open it rose petals came falling out of the letters 'woah' I thought to myself to read it out loud.

~Your skin is gently like the petals when they fall from a tree the, moon only shines for you to show how beautiful you really are, you make my heart burn for you have I been bewitched by your beautiful brown eyes you probably want to know who Im but all you need to know that you have cause a flame in me and this flame wont die as long im with you .sign by your Love~

I felt a blush coming on my face "Omg its so beautiful​" Star was almost about to cry "yeah it is beautiful" It was so beautiful how this person think of me "how do you think it is from?" "don't know Marco probably a person we never met" before I could respond the door bell ring "I get it" "no Star I don't want you to scared a other mail man" I went to open the door "delivery for Marco Diaz" "that's me" "here you go kid" "wait w-" before I can finished​ he left out of the blue 'weird probably nothing' I thought to myself I went to the living room to put it on the coffee table "woah to gifts in a row" Stat stay sitting next to me
I begin open the box when I open it its was Rosie's in a big vase with candles. "Woah" "hey a other note" Star pointed at it I grab it and start.

~The meaning of Rosie's to show love and this why I show them to you~

'This person have such a way with words I need to know who this person is' "Marco you need to know who this person is and Im going to help you" "thanks star lets go" we rush out of the house and start walking on the sidewalk then we saw Tom walking on the sidewalk he quickly notice us and walk to us "Star" "what do you want Tom we busy" Star crossed her arms "with what Star ship" "We are trying to find Marco love" after Star say that Tom blush a bit for some reason I don't know why but I shrugged​ it off "will Marco how do you fell about it" Tom asked in a nervous tone "It was so beautiful" I said with pride Tom was rubbing back of his neck "I bet it was nothing " "it was something Tom how will you feel somebody wrote those amazing words about you" this time Tom was completely​ blushing so everyone can see it even Star was shocked "listen I have to go but have fun with your search bye" Tom ran away for some reason "wait Tom" Star yelled Tom just kept on running "w-was it something I said" "I don't know Marco lets go follow him" We ran after him behind a store we went next to a garbage can to try not to be noticed "this is a card store" I whisper in Star ear "lets go closer" she whisper back we went to the window of the store we looked though to see Tom buying cards "why is he buying cards?" "don't know he's coming" we went back to the garbage can now Tom is going to a flower store we follow him to the store and look though the window "you think Tom wrote that letter" Star in whisper in my ear I thought to think about it the clues was there he probably did but I refuse cause he cants write something so beautiful he just can't. Tom was out of the store with a two single rose and a group of Rosie's he went to a park to sit down we was behind a bush he was talking to himself we went close to hear what he is saying "I need to pick one" he said in a sad tone "stupid rose"
he said when he tron up the petals "rose symbolized​ my love but…which one" he start writing in a letter.

"so you want to know buy I told you …… no this form I take is a bad no with bittersweet​ of anger inside me if it is unleash​ I  lost a another one only if you understand" 

he stopped writing and smile he put the note and the rosie's petals in the letter and close it he got up and put the letter in a mail box he disappear.
Me and Star start walking back home "so Tom did it case close" "no Star we are still not sure" "we just saw it Marco" "n-no he said to pick one so he didn't write it" Star looked at me annoyed "whatever you say Marco" we finally made it home all after all that happened I just want to go to sleep I went to my room with the flowers and the letter I pick a petal from the letter and put it next to my skin. "Hello Marco" I fell off my bed and saw Tom in front of me I felt a blush in my face "need help?" he pull out his hand but I didn't take it I got up on my own "why are you here Tom" "im bored okay" he turn around and sit at the edge of my bed "can you be bored somewhere else" "nope I like it here" he gave me a wink "care to join me" he pat my bed for me to sit down at first I didn't want to but I shrugged it off and sit next to him he lay down just looking at the ceiling I join him and lay down to "what is that" he pointed at my glow in the dark stickers "that is a star duh" "no not that why you had them do you prefer
the real thing" I thought about it for awhile "well this is the same thing just smaller" he didn't respond for some reason your toes touch at first I wanted to move but I didn't want to "is that the moon" he pointed it out so I can see "yup" "its green?" I giggle a little bit cause I thought he was joking but he was serious "oh its green cause it glows in the dark here I show you" I went to my lap and turn it off and the stickers was now glowing Tom was shocked like he never seen it before. "I-I have seen the moon before  I never it can changed color" Tom was happy about that it remains me of Star and when she came to earth "Marco" "y-yeah" he turn his full body to me and I did the same thing "c-can I stay here for t-tonight I don't want to go home" I was going to say no but he looked sad already "y-yeah" he smiled a grab my waist to be closer to him he put his leg over my leg and pulled me to his chest,his chest feel so warm I can hear his heart beat it has a nice beat "T-tom" "ssshhhh good night bunny" after he said that he went to sleep for some reason Im loving his touch I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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