Chapter 15

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Tom p.o.v

I was laying on my bed eating chips, until I heard a knock on the door.

"It's opened" I said it was Bill and his brother Will (Come on you guys know I'm bringing Will into this) "h-hey Tom you okay" Will said "couldn't be happier" I said sarcastically "oh o-okay" he said not knowing what I meant.

I let out a sigh "damn Tom, you smell like beer" Bill said but I ingoroed him I got up at head to the my desk and grabbed one of my bottle of wine "why are you guys doing here anyway?"

"W-we are taking y-you out" Will said sitting down on my bed "yeah Tom let's go" Bill said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I put his hand away from my shoulder "for the love of God, can you guys let me be sad and depressed" "no, we can't not" Will said I slapped my forehead "listen Tom, we just want to hangout, you know like get drunk and do stuff" Bill said I went back to my bed.

"I can do that here, you guys don't get it" I said eating my chips "what don't we don't get" Bill said crossing his arms "well except Will his adorable" I said pointing at Will, he blushed "were twins" Bill yelled "yeah but he's more adorable" "h-he has a point" Will said still blushing "come on please" Bill said showing me his puppies eyes "fine just let me get dressed" "WAHOO" Bill said jumping in the air, Will was clapping "d-dont forgot take a s-shower" "oh yeah"
Bill and Will are by the door "don't forget, grass is bad" Bill said confused me.

I finished getting dressed and meet them by my door holding my can of beer, we went through a portal to a place I don't know. "Guys were are we?" "we are in Will's dimension" Bill said chewing on gum "ok why are we then" the wind was blowing I turned it, Will's flame appear "till this day is over, we are facing the biggest wildest night of our lives, till t-" "THE PARTY" Bill said cutting Will off "I just want to drink" I said burping into my hand "NO" we turned our heads to see what was that noise.

"W-What was t-that" Will said going behind Bill, Bill patting Will's back "we should check it out" I said running to the noise, they followed me we kept on running we went behind a tree "guys we should do, what people do in spy movie's" Bill whisper "no shut up" I whispered, we crawled on the ground we peeked on the bushes "please" there was a girl with men in clotes.

We gasped, the men left "w-we have to h-her!" Will ran to her we followed her, she was blindfold "you guys this, is a occult" "and what's your point" Bill said un chianing her legs "this is the society of the open eyes" she said, she was free Bill hold her bridal style we ran back to the woods.

She was shacking hard, we put her down on the ground "okay, sweet cheeks, what's your name" Bill said, she didn't reply "what's your name, are you deaf" Bill said Will punched his arm "t-take your t-time" "it's Sofia" she said smiling "thank you, I should be going" she said getting up "y-your are you sure?" she nodded and left.

"Well that was quick" Bill said I let out a sigh and start walking, Will grabbed my arm "T-Tom you okay?" I didn't respond, I kept on looking on the ground "guys I just wanted to go home" "come on, we are doing are best just gives us a break" Bill said, they was right I need to think about it later, I looked up at them "okay let's go" "YES" Bill said we kept on walking till we hit a bar "you thinking what I'm thinking" Bill said with smile "hell yes" Will said making me and Bill looked at him.

"Give me a break" Will said entering the bar "oh yeah tonight is going to be fun" Bill said pulling me, we are entered the bar already Bill make a scene he got up in the table and start drinking his beer singing to my surprise everyone join in.

He pulled me and Will with him singing, it was actually fun it made me realize I still have a chance to get back with Marco.

We exit out of the bar still drunk "w-where we should go ne-next" Will said holding tight on Bill "I know a party" Bill said, we went through a portal back to Echo Creek "where's the party?" I said nobody respond "what?" Bill said passing out on the ground "well shit" I said holding his arms, Will has he's feet we stopped and sit down and talk.

"T-This is the last time I drink with Bill" Will said sleepy I sigh "Will can I ask you a question?" "Yeah" "do you think I'm ever going to get him back" it took him a awhile "Tom if I know love, it takes time I have been though a lot this past year and I realized if you loved someone so much, they will try do anything for you" Will said summon tears in his eyes "Tom you have to make him believe you still love him" before I said anything Bill woke up.

"What happened" he said rubbing his eyes Will just smiled "nothing, you just passed out" Bill didn't respond and just got up "well we should go" me and Will got up they start walking but I didn't move "Tom you okay" oh yeah I see you guys later" "okay bye" I waved my hand goodbye and start running to Marco's.

I was at his house door, but I know they won't let me in "damn" I said walking to the backyard and start climbing to his window, I looked through his window he's not there I climbed in, but he came in.

"AAAAHHH" he throw a book at me "Mar-" he throw a shoe box at me and more books "please listen" "why should I" he said "because you probably want to" I said he didn't respond "you have two minutes" he said I nodded "Marco you probably hate me, I can't change what I did but I want you to know that I always love you and always will just give me a other chance" I said he looked at me in the eyes before I knew it he was kissing me.

I quickly kiss back, we start walking backwards to the wall, he pulled away from me crying "I want to believe you but I just can't" he said I felt tears coming down I nodded "I understand" I start climbing out of the window but I fall on the ground "are you okay" Marco yelled "I'm fine" I said running away.

I Saw Will and Bill eating chips "you guys wait for me" "of course" Bill said passing me some chips "Will you was right, I need to prove him" Will nodded "man, what else I missed?" Bill said shoving more chips in his mouth but stopped "wait I have a plan" Bill said smiling.

"Okay what is it?" I said he whispered the plan to me "let's just hope" I said eating more chips "wanna watch a movie?" Will said "sure".

We went to Bills universe this time, we went to his room and start watching the movie.

I hope Bill plan works or I'm doom.

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