Chapter 21

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Marco p.o.v

"No Janna, right there" after it rained yesterday, I have to organize everything again we are almost done the poem is today.

"Here?" Janna point at the place I want the snack table to be, "yeah perfect" I turned around and saw Dipper and Bill "Marco let me" Bill snapped his fingers and everything was set up "thanks Bill" he nodded I doubled checked the party list to see I have everybody name's.

I was getting so stressed out I couldn't find Star she said she is getting princess ready whatever that means. "Marco calmed down" I turned around and saw Tom he took my clipboard "you need to chill" "Tom give that back" I tried getting it back "come and get it" he said starting running around.

I chased him, I got idea I went the way and tackle him and grabbed my clipboard "oh come on, you need a break" he said getting up from the ground I sighed "who's going to organize the decorations" "I WILL" I saw Mabel running to me "are you sure?" she nodded I gave her the clipboard "don't worry I got this, have fun you two" after she said that Tom grabbed my hand.

"Are you excited?" I said he looked worried, he laughed it off "are you okay?" "yeah I'm fine" I didn't by it, I stopped our walked and crossed my arms "what?" he said putting his hands up "you promise and I quote 'I won't lie again' " he sighed and rubbed his temples "fine, I'm just stressed out it's nothing honestly" "you sure?" I went close to him wapping my arms around his neck.

He put his hands around my waist "I'm positive" as we about to kiss I heard a noise and accidentally punched Tom in the stomach he fall on the ground holding his stomach, it was just a rabbit I sighed, I realized what I did to Tom "oh my god, Tom you okay?" "why you keep puching me?" I giggled and picked him up from the ground.

"What time is it?" I looked at my watched and it's "5:30, we have to get ready" "you get ready, I checked everything at the deck" I nodded and kiss his check "I'm still sorry" "it's fine, I have been hit worst" we went back to the deck, Dipper is my ride home.

We were outside of my house "Marco you want pick you up" I shake my head for no "Star said she tacking me" he nodded I waved bye and hurry up upstairs and put on my suit, Tom pick it for me it was black and red, I checked twice in the mirror to see if I looked good I went to Stars room.

"Star you ready?" I looked at her she was wearing a pink and purple dress she put her hair in a bun "you look amazing" "so you do you" it was awkward silence for a moment "ready to go" I said going to do door "yeah, just tell me how this smell?" I turned to her she blow something on my face making me coughed.

Tom p.o.v

Me and Bill were in a room in the boat, a lot of people came early I was getting worried were is Marco he didn't respond to my texts.

As I was getting worried, "how do I look?" Bill said he was wearing a golden suit with a pyramids patterns on it "what yeah, you look good" I said texting Marco "he's coming" Bill said the opened to reavel Will he was wearing the same thing as Bills but not gold but blue "y-you g-guys ready?" he asked "give us a moment" Bill said Will nodded and left.

I'm freaking panicking, Bill noticed "calmed down" he said I nodded "good, but before we go" he pulled out a bottle of wine "you know me so well" I said he giggled we cheers and left the room.

Everybody is dancing, I tried looked for Marco but nothing I saw Janna "you see Marco?" "sorry no, it's not like him to be late" Janna said I nodded Mabel came up to us "Tom, for the surprised you want me to reavel it when he comes?" I nodded there was music playing in the background I turned around to see Marco.

I ran up to him "don't scare me like that" I cupped his face and kisses his forehead he looked down and remove my hands from his face I was confused what's going on "well this is awkward" he said rubbing back of his neck "what you talking about?" "I changed my mind" "WHAT?" I yelled at him everybody gasped I looked up and saw Star.

Marco ran to her "I'm sorry Tom, but things changed" Marco said kissing Star's hand, I couldn't breathe everybody was looking at them shocked as well it feels like I'm going to cry "what do you mean?" "we are in loved" Star said, Janna and Bill hold me tightly Star came close to me "thank you, for everything Tom your the best" she said pulling me to a hug and went back to Marco.

"Your sick Marco" Janna said "how could you do that?" Jackie step in "it's my decision, not yours if you excuse me I have to dance with someone I loved" he said kissing her in front of me "come Tom let's go" Bill said he and Janna were taking me to the other room "WAIT" we look back and saw Mabel pulling down the surprised I gave to Marco.

It was a picture of us under the blood moon, Marco went close to it "it's a love spell" Bill said Star used a love spelled on Marco "Tom used true love" Bill said I nodded and went back to Marco Star was trying to pull the picture down "Marco" I said he turned to face me I grabbed his hands "look at me" I said Star noticed "no no Marco looked at me" she said "Marco you have made me a better person, you change me and I promise I will always be there for you, as you were with me" I said pulling him to a kiss.

Marco p.o.v

Everybody aww "Tomco for life" Mabel said we pulled away, it works"T-Tom?" I hugged him he hugged back "I miss you" I whispered "I miss you too" he whisper back, "NOOO" Star screamed she was about to go to the water.

"Star, no" I yelled to her she falled in the water everybody looked down suddenly water splash us making everybody falled on the ground Star was a giant mewberty frome she was still in the water she splashed water on us "HAHAHA" she said I looked up at Tom he's eyes turned red he starts flowting fire sum around him, he turned into a dargon.

"HAHA, COME ON TOM LET'S FINISH THIS" Star said shooting at him but he doge it and shots fire at her, she doge it and almost hit him, as everyone was watching "Tomco vs Starco" Mabel said Tom was top of Star but she grabbed him and throw him in the air shooting at him but doge it and he hit Star making her almost cashed the boat.

I had enough I drop off the boat "MARCO" everybody screamed I put my hands up "that's enough" Star was just laughing Tom was behind me "Marco, get out of my way" she said Tom just growled at her "Star looked around you are scaring everybody" she just galre at me "Star I'm sorry for picking Tom over you, I'm sorry I didn't notice your feelings for me but there's other way, Star you are my best friend please don't do this" there was silence for a moment.

She went back to normal she swim to me "Marco can you forgive me, again" I chuckled softly "I already do" "hugs" we hugged each other and went back to the boat as we climbed back on the boat, Tom landed on the boat going back to normal he laughed and ran to me he looked at Star giving her a smiled holding my hand she nodded.

"HEY, I thought this was a party" Janna said wearing sunglasses "then let's party" Mabel said wearing sunglasses to everybody was dancing me and Tom pull out his hand "come dance with me" he said "shut up" we laughed fireworks appear "so you, happy what you got?" "no" I said making a worried look on his face"I'm happy it's because it's what I need" he laughed and we kissed passionately and pulled away watching the fireworks.

You didn't think, it's going to be the end of the story did you?

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