Chapter 11

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Marco p.o.v

I woke up beside Tom, I looked at the time I'm going to be late for school.

I rushed out of my bed and quickly got in the shower and got dressed. I went back to my room and see Tom fuffly awoke he finished putting his suit on. He pulled me to me in a hug "Tom?" I questioned him he didn't respond I let out a sigh, I gentle pushed pushed him away smiling, I remembered I got to wake Star up "I be right back" I turned to face the door but Tom stopped me "b-bunny where you going" "I'm going to wake up Star we are going to be late for a big test " I said trying to push Tom out of the way.

"Tom what the heck?" I said to him he rubbed back of his neck
"I have this note from Star" he passed me the note.

Marco I won't be home for a couple of days princess stuff you know xoxoxo -Star

That's weird she will let me know in person but I shuggde it off "I hope Star is okay".

Star p.o.v

"AAAAHHH" me and Janna screaming for our life's being chased down by a monster, "Star looked" Janna pointed at a golf cart we hop on it and start diving it I looked back "it's getting closer" I shouted at her "hold on" Janna said we fall off a cliff "AAAAHHH".

We made a perfect landing, we high five each we turned around to face north and other monster appear we made a turn "Janna we can't just run away" "have a other idea" Janna yelled back at me, we almost hit a tree and suddenly a gnomes start attacking us.

The gnomes start biting us and one of them got me face "I saved you Star" Janna said start punching my face the gnome let go, my head start dizzy "thanks Janna" "don't mention it" she said I punch two more in the face so did Janna, we look up we were ahead for a waterfall "AAAAHHH" me Janna hug each other and fall of the cliff.

We made it in the water, we pulled ourselves out of the water we panted for air "S-Star we need to get out of here" Janna said I nodded "we just need to think about Marco poor guy is messed" I said to her, we start walking again.

Marco p.o.v

I was at my locker until someone tapped me in the shoulder it was Jackie, "hey Jackie" "hey Marco" ever since I date Tom my feelings for Jackie change to a friend level, "Marco have you seen Janna" "no why" "we have a big project to do if you see her let me know" I nodded now Janna is gone what's going on when I was in my thoughts the bell rings I quickly closed my locker and rush to class.

The class was health when I was listening to the teacher I heard a tapped on the window I turned around it was Tom.

I giggled he pulled out a sign that said "good luck on the test" I nodded "Marco are you listening" I nodded blushing "good" I turned around to Tom he pulled at a other sign "want me to kill her" I shook my head for no he pulled a other sign said "meet me in the bathroom" I nodded and he left, Our teacher pass us the test.

After the test was completed I rushed to the bathroom to meet him, he was pacing back and forth he looked at me "how was the test" I frown at him he grabbed my hand "hey it's okay Marco" I chuckled and pull my test out "92 BABY" I shout Tom hugged me lifting me up from the ground and spinning me around.

"Yay bunny you did it" he stop spinning me around we look at each other and leaned in a small kiss but got bigger, Tom pinned me to a walk and start attacking my neck I try pushing him away but couldn't "Tom not now" he looked at me "come on bunny no one will know" he went back down to my neck I moan tilling my head.

"Tom can you knock it off" I said pushing him I was waiting for him get mad he didn't "sorry bunny" "it's okay" I said hugging him "I have a surprise for you" he said "what is it" I pulled away from him "remember the blood moon" "yeah" "well I know when it is coming again so we can combined our souls" he said kissing my check the bell rings "see ya" I nodded then he telported I quickly went to my next class, I'm I ready to combined my soul with him I wish Star was here.

Star p.o.v

Janna and I stop walking and sit down next to a tree "we need to know what this place is" Janna said I was hoping the voice will respond to Janna comment but didn't.

The ground started shacking again me and Janna got ready to run, but nothing came I was getting tired of this "HEY CREEPY VOICE GUY" I yelled at the sky "what" he respond I was shock I need to think what to say "WHAT IS THIS PLACE" I yelled at it again "this is our doom" he respond I growl "that's not what I meant" I said he didn't replied "look Star" I looked at Janna she starts punching her stomach "Janna what are you doing" "think about it we are probably in a dream" after the she said that rain came hard, maybe this is a dream or something I start poke my face making me wake up.

Me and Janna start doing anything to wake up us "ENOUGH" the voice said we turned around to start running it was a earthquake I grabbed Janna hand pulling her to me closer we kept on running "Star looked" Janna pointed to a log house we went inside and wait.

Tom p.o.v

I got everything ready for the blood moon I'm so excited, Marco will be happy. It was 3:30 Marco is out of school I grabbed his outfit he will wear and meet him, before I can I saw a text from Bill.

Bill: not enough energy I can't hold them longer

Tom: come on Buddy you got this until when the blood moon is over

Bill: okay I keep going

I turned my phone off Bill need to keep at it no one is going to messed this up.

I tapped on Marcos window he saw me and answer it "hey bunny guess what I have" he didn't respond "Marco you okay" he looked at me "y-yeah I'm just worried about Star" I growl good thing he didn't notice I went close to him "hey we can do anything you want tomorrow" he smiled and pull me to a hug I hugged back he pulled away "so what's my surprise" "this" I pulled out the outfit he will be wearing.

"What's wrong you don't like it" "no I do but I do-" "I understand" he looked at me confused "y-you don't want to do it" "no no it's not like that" "so what's the problem" I asked him he looked at the floor "w-what happened if I messed up" he said a tear coming I went close to him kissing his check "you won't messed up anything you will make it better" he smiled at my comment.

He leaned in close to me I kissed him I pulled away but he just grabbed me and kiss me I accept he put his arms around my neck I let out my tongue to make the kiss bigger he pulled away licking his lips and giggle.

He went back to the kiss I let out a moan he pushed me on the bed making him be top, he playfully mess up my hair we stop panting for air "I love you Tom" he said laying down on my chest I felt a tear drop coming I didn't care I kissed his head "I love you too Marco" I said falling asleep.

This is worth it, I won't let them take you away from me I promise.

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