Chapter 16

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Marco p.o.v

Every since Tom visited me, I start acting weird than normal, I want to forgive him I just can't, I'm scared when I start falling for him he will broke my heart again.

"Marco" I looked up it was Tom, I just looked at him he pulled out his hand "Marco" "MARCO DIAZ" I rubbed my eyes it was Jackie shacking me "sorry Jackie" Jackie nodded we head to my locker.

"So, that what happened?" Jackie said leaning towards the locker "yeah, I was a fool" said about to cry, Jackie put her hand on my shoulder "don't worry Marco is going to be okay" "yeah, thanks Jackie" "no problem" we start walking to cafeteria but I felt something was watching me.

"I meet you there" she nodded, I went back to my locker someone is watching me but who? I pulled out my phone "yeah Star, this date is going to be awesome" "NO" it came from a locker, I opened it Tom of course.

I slapped my forehead "why are you here?" he didn't respond "come on tell me" I yelled at him "Marco?" I turned it was Jackie "who you talking to?" I turned my head back to Tom but he's gone I turned my head back to Jackie "sorry I just thought, I heard someone" she nodded and pull my arm to the cafeteria.

I don't know what's happening but it's stupid.

I went to the park to have fresh air and sunshine, I sat down in the grass at the stop that Tom take me ironic I know.

"Hey bunny" I looked up it was Tom, I got up "leave me alone" "im technically not here" "what?" what does he mean by that, he's not here before I questioned him someone tapped my shoulder "are you okay?" it was a kid with a pine tree hat.

"I'm fine" he nodded it was a awkward silence for a second but I break it "I never see you here?" "yeah, I'm actually here to give someone something" "are you lose?" "yeah actually" "I can show you" he nodded we talked about school movie's we like and other random stuff.

"So this person, really want you to do this?" "yeah and besides he getting on my nerves" I chuckled we find the store he was searching it was a pice of candy he wanted "I have to walk this way for this?" he yelled at the candy I turned my head to see Tom's ghost I think?

"Ohh bunny" "leave me alone for the love of God" "im just in your imagination" "you know you can do in my imag-" before I finished Dipper tapped my shoulder "you okay?" "yeah I'm fine, just dealing with a jerk face for a boyfriend" I covered my month blushing I didn't tell Dipper about Tom I thought he might think I'm werid.

"Marco, it's okay I don't care about that" "really?" "of course" he said punching my shoulder we start walking to a bus stop "so what did he do?" "he lie to me" "I know how that feels" I looked at him shock I raised my eyebrow "yeah it's a long story, I felt like I know him but he lie to me at the end I realized losing him will be the hardest thing I've been though" I looked at him, I feel the same way about Tom but I don't know.

We stopped "hey if you want a ride my boyfriend can help you" "really thanks Dipper" "your welcome, speaking of the devil here he comes" I looked at the car it was yellow Dipper's boyfriend opened his dork "oh my gosh, Marco" "Bill?" great that means Tom's here.

"No he's not, come on in" I entered the car in the back we start driving "so you got it?" "I ate it" Dipper said "you mother-" "language" Dipper said I chuckled "so bunny, when are you going to take me" I ingoroed him this time I heard my phone going on it was a text from Star.

Star: are you going to the party?

Marco: oh yeah, I'm going

Star: need my help to go?

Marco: don't worry I got it

Star: okay

I really don't want to brother Bill but "hell yeah,I'm taking to the party" Bill said smiling "are you sure?" "of course let's go" we are almost at the party.

"Here you go" Bill said stopping at the Party "thanks Bill, bye you guys" I waved my hand goodbye "bye Marco have fun" Dipper said "remember-" before Bill finish Dipper put his hand on his mouth "sorry about, bye" Dipper said driving the car.

I entered the party it was really loud I saw Star dancing with pony head I also saw Jackie and she saw me "hey Marco" "it's really loud" "followed me" she said grabbing my hand making me blush we entered someone bedroom.

"So you okay?" "yeah I'm fine, just tried to be honest I didn't want to come" I said sitting down
"then why you did you came?" "I don't know, I just I didn't have anything to do" she sat down beside me "I understand" she said grabbing my hand making me blush "Jackie?" she leaned in and kiss me.

I didn't return the kiss, I pushed her away covering my face "I'm sorry, I have to go" running out of the room but hit someone "I'm sorry-TOM?" he looked at me crying running away, wait why is he running away did he saw me.

I ran after him "Tom you was spying on me?" "if I was?" I just looked at him I can't believe you" "you can't believe me, I saw you how can you do that" he yelled at me with his eyes golwin red "and we didn't officially broke up" he added "I can't believe this, you expect me to forgive you after all of this" I yelled at him making his red eyes fading away.

"And how I don't know you kiss someone to" I said making him looked down "you did didn't you?" he didn't replied "I can't deal with this, I'm leaving" I said walking away from him "Mar-" I turned to him "and you know what, I pushed her away" he didn't respond "that what I thought" I said walking away.

I was really away from home, good thing I have Dipper's number I should text him.

Marco: hey Dipper, sorry for waking you up

Dipper: I was already up, what's up

Marco: something happened I'm just mad right now

Dipper: you want me to pick you up?

Marco: really are you sure?

Dipper: sure even know I don't know how to drive

Marco: wait what

Dipper: I'm joking I'm on my way and I'm bringing my sister

Marco: wow I'm excited to meet her

Dipper: she will tired you out

Marco: I have been around Star, what do you think

Dipper: okay good point, I'm coming

I turned off my phone and start waiting for Dipper but my surprise he came quickly "hey Marco" Dipper said opened his window "oh my god he is adorable" Mabel said I chuckled and hop in the back seat.

"So what happened?" Mabel said licking her ice cream "my dumb boyfriend is spying on me" "get use to it" Dipper said I smiled "you guys know Tom?" "Yeah why" Dipper said raised his eyebrow "wait moment he's your boyfriend?" Mabel said all I did was nodded "now I understand" Dipper said "oh my god I'm fangirling over Tomco" Mabel said the car was silent "what don't, ship sham me" Mabel said crossing her arms.

"Anyway, he was just spying on you" "yeah and he said we didn't officially broke up" I said "why was he spying anyway" Mabel said "I don't know honestly" "did you give him a reason" Dipper said "well I-I" "what did you do?" Dipper said "the girl of my dreams was kissing me, and I messed that up cause if him".

There was silent in the car "maybe you still love him" Mabel said before I can respond  I was already home "bye Marco" Dipper said waving goodbye "bye" Mabel said I waved goodnight and went to my house.

I was to lazy to go up to my room so I just fall asleep on the couch.

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